Create Item

Conjuration cantrip (Artificer,Bard,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

From thought you create matter, equipping yourself with a simple implement you need. You summon one piece of adventuring gear worth 2 gp or less which you can hold in one hand, and which must weigh less than 10 pounds.

If the item is more than 10 feet away from you at the end of your turn, the spell ends. This object may simulate the effects of a tool which requires proficiency, but it can only be used to make one ability check, for a task that takes 1 round or less, after which time the spell ends. Anyone who holds the item or examines it closely can tell it is not real. When the spell ends, the item disappears.