Cooperative Channeling

1st-level evocation (Bard, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You place your hands on a willing creature, sharing the same space, and channel your magical energy into their body as they cast a spell of their own. The next time that the creature casts a spell while this spell is active, you choose one of the following effects to apply:

  • You spend a spell slot to replace the slot that would normally be spent by the creature to cast their spell. The slot you spend must be at least the minimum level required to cast the creature’s spell.
  • You spend a spell slot to enhance the creature’s spell. The spell cast by the creature is treated as if cast with a spell slot two levels higher than what is spent by the creature. The slot you spend must be exactly the same level as the slot spent by the creature to cast the spell.
  • The creature can use your spellcasting ability modifier for any attack rolls or save DCs associated with the casting of their spell.If you break physical contact with the creature or perform any other action, this spell ends. This spell fails if you attempt to cast it on a creature already being affected by another casting of this spell.When the creature casts their spell, this spell ends.