Chain Madness

6th-level enchantment (Bard,Cleric)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 feet
  • Components: V, S, M (brain tissue of a mind flayer)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You inflict one creature with crippling madness. If the target fails an Intelligence saving throw, roll twice on the Long-Term Madness table (see "Madness" in chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). The effects of the madness are immediate and last for 24 hours. If you rolled the same results twice, the madness lasts 48 hours.

The target may infect up to six different people with madness. The first six people it touches within 24 hours of becoming mad must make an Intelligence saving throw or be inflicted with the same madness as the original target. This madness lasts 24 hours, even if the original target rolled the same result twice.

A creature infected with madness from this spell's original target can spread it as well, forcing each of the first three people it touches during the 24-hour duration of its madness to make an Intelligence saving throw with advantage, contracting the same madness for 12 hours on a failure. Creatures who contract this madness from the touch of a creature besides the spell's original target, cannot pass it on to others.