Appraiser’s Light

3rd-level evocation (ritual) (Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (a portable light source)
  • Duration: Special

You temporarily empower a portable, nonmagical light source (such as a torch, candle, or lantern) that you are holding. The spell lasts until the light source is extinguished, or 8 hours have passed, whichever happens sooner. For the duration, the light source brightens, adding an additional 10 feet of bright light and additional 10 feet of dim light to its illumination radius. Magic items and magical glyphs such as a glyph of warding will faintly glow while in the enhanced light. Creatures and objects currently affected by active magical effects (including spells) will also faintly glow while in the enhanced light.

When you cast this spell as a ritual, you must add powdered silver worth at least 1 gp as a material component, sprinkled over the light source and consumed in the casting.