
Forge, Craftsmanship, Skill

Simple Properties

Ignite. As an action, you scribe the ild rune using ash onto a flammable object. That object immediately bursts into flame. While it burns, the fire extends 1 foot out from the rune you scribed. It provides bright light to 10 feet, and dim light to 30 feet.

Fire Tamer. As an action, you touch an open flame and scribe the ild rune within it with a hand motion. This causes the flame to immediately extinguish. For a large blaze, the fire is extinguished in a 10-foot radius around you. You can extend this distance by expending a spell slot when using the ild rune in this manner. The radius extends by 20 feet per level of the expended spell slot.

Fire’s Friend. While you are attuned to this rune, you have resistance to cold damage.

Complex Properties

Combustion. As an action, you scribe a slight variation of this rune using ash onto a creature within your reach as you expend a spell slot. The creature automatically takes 1d10 fire damage plus 1d10 fire damage per level of the expended spell slot.

Flame Brand. Over the course of a short rest, you inscribe this rune using ash onto a melee or ranged weapon, or onto up to 20 pieces of ammunition. The weapon or ammunition gains a ghostly aura of yellow flame and deals fire damage instead of piercing, slashing, or bludgeoning damage. In addition, you can expend a spell slot while using this property to grant the weapon or ammunition a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to the spell slot’s level divided by three. This bonus means the weapon counts as magical for purposes of resistance. These effects last for 24 hours or until you use this property again.

Flame Stoker. While you are attuned to this rune, your fire attacks are deadlier. Whenever you roll fire damage from an attack or a spell you cast, you can reroll that damage and use the higher result.