Pennant of the vind Rune

master rune, rare (requires attunement)

This one-foot-long blue pennant-shaped sapphire shows lines of force within it as if wind whips about within, like a pennant would if buffeted by a strong breeze. The vind rune—the rune of wind—flickers across its surface like a shimmering cloud. Grasping the pennant causes you to feel a powerful gust of wind wash over you, tearing at your clothes and gear. Anyone watching you sees nothing out of the ordinary, and the sensation passes after a moment.

This rune has both simple and complex properties; simple properties are available to anyone who attunes the master rune, while complex properties require you to have the Rune Lore feature to unlock and use.

Comforting Wind (Simple Property). While you are attuned to this rune, you cannot suffocate or drown, and you gain advantage on saving throws against poisonous gases, inhaled poisons, and similar effects.

Wind Step (Simple Property). As an action, you scribe the vind rune in the air around you and immediately fly 20 feet. If you do not land at the end of this flight, you fall.

Wind’s Grasp (Simple Property). As a reaction when you fall, you can scribe this rune in the air around you to take no damage from the fall.

Howling Brand (Complex Property). Over the course of a short rest, you inscribe this rune in the air above one ranged weapon. The weapon gains a ghostly blue aura and has its normal and maximum range doubled. The weapon’s attacks do not suffer disadvantage due to range.

In addition, you can expend a spell slot while using this property to grant the weapon a bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls equal to the spell slot’s level divided by three. This bonus means the weapon counts as magical for purposes of resistance.

These effects last for 24 hours or until you use this property again.

Shrieking Bolt (Complex Property). As an action, you scribe this rune in the air between you and a creature you can see while you expend a spell slot. The creature must make a Strength saving throw (DC 12 + the spell slot’s level). On a failure, it takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage plus 1d8 bludgeoning damage per level of the expended spell slot, and is pushed in a straight line directly away from you for 10 feet per level of the expended spell slot. On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half as much damage and is not pushed away from you.

Wind Walker (Complex Property). While you are attuned to this rune, you can cast levitate as a bonus action. You regain this ability after a short or long rest.