Ornament of Spirituality

rare (requires attunement by a shaman)

This ornament--often a plain metal or bone ring or broach--enables a shaman to better commune with the spirit world. Once attuned, the ornament can change its shape at dawn (when it recharges) to take on a different, but entirely plain-looking, shape. Some shamans will wear it as a ring, while others will mount it as a pendant among other mundane-looking items on a necklace, and so on. The attuned shaman is always free to change its shape, but only once per day and only at dawn. Once declared, the ornament will change when the shaman is distracted or resting; no one actually ever sees the shapechange.

The ornament has several benefits to the attuned shaman.

When interacting with the spirit world, the ornament grants advantage on any Persuasion checks. This can be used when performing obeisance to spirits when moving into a new area, or when interacting with spirits encountered while traveling. The shaman must be able to present the ornament when interacting with the spirits--it must be visible enough that the shaman could point to it or gently stroke the ornament during the conversation.

In addition, the ornament can store a number of spirit points equal to the shaman's proficiency bonus + their Charisma modifier; thus, if an 8th-level shaman with a 16 Charisma attunes this item, the total number of spirit points the item can store equals 3 (proficiency bonus) + 3 (Charisma bonus), or 6. The shaman can use one or all of the spirit points to fuel their spellcasting, but never beyond their maximum spellcasting level.

Note, however, that use of the ornament to fuel shamanic magic draws the attention of the spirit world every time it is used--like a bright light on a darkened beach at midnight, spirits will flock to the shaman using this item, and they may demand obeisance of some form.

The ornament recharges 1d2 spirit points at dawn, and can never store more than the attuned shaman's proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier in spell points. The attuned shaman is always aware of how many spirit points remain in the ornament. If the ornament is reduced to 0 spirit points, roll a d20; if it comes up 1, the spirit world is offended, and the shaman will need to perform a special obeisance to allow to begin recharging again.