Marshal's token

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

A Marshal's token appears as a gemstone, typically about half the size of human's palm and often a ruby color, that uniquely identifies a Marshal of Yithi.

The token is never given to a non-Marshal, and is attuned during the Marshal's Vow ceremony. Once attuned, a given token can never be attuned to another individual--when the Marshal dies, the token turns a lifeless, dull grey and shatters into dust on any impact.

While the token is in the Marshal's possession (including stored in a Marshal's cloak), the token provides proof against poison--poisons have no effect on the Marshal, and they are immune to the poisoned condition and have immunity to poison damage. It also provides proof agaisnt scrying

In the hands of its attuned Marshal, the token expend charges to do any of the following:

  • Detection. (1 charge) The token can detect one of the following within a 60 foot range:

    Doing so requires an action and concentration on the part of the Marshal. They must be holding the token and not engaging in other activity (such as combat) while doing so. * Sending. (1 charge) The token can enchant an ordinary rock into a one half of a pair of sending stones, the other half being the token itself. While the Marshal holds their token, they can use an action to cast the sending spell from it. The target is the bearer of the other stone. If no creature bears the other stone, you know that fact as soon as you use the stone. The token can enchant up to the Marshal's Proficiency Bonus number of stones, and the Marshal can contact a stone using a charge. Marshals can also contact their Sherriff, as well as other Marshals, using this power, to a range of 1,000 miles. It cannot be used across planes of existence. * Seeing. (2 charges) As an action, the token can allow the Marshal to see the immediate surroundings of anyone holding a rock enchanted by the token above. The vision lasts for one round, and the Marshal sees and hears only what the holder of the enchanted stone sees and hears, as if the Marshal were standing in the 5-foot square next to the holder, up to a range of 30 feet. The Marshal cannot Send while Seeing (or vice versa).

Each token holds 6 charges, and recharges the following dawn. However, if a Marshal wishes to expend charges when their token is currently at 0 charges, the Marshal can sacrifice vitality (in the form of Hit Dice) to power the token, at a rate of three Hit Dice per charge.