Marshal's cloak

rare (requires attunement)

This cloak is only given to the Marshals of Yithi and/or those who have done the Marshals a great service, provides two benefits to its wearer:

  • Protection from all non-magical weather. While wearing this cloak, the wearer suffers no exhaustion from the weather or environment. Regardless of the weather, the wearer always feels comfortable, though the cloak does not provide any ability to avoid or resist any other non-weather-related effects. (This will not provide any resistance to poison gas, for example, nor to breathe underwater.)
  • Many pockets. The cloak has 24 pockets of extradimensional space into which non-magical items (food, clothes, tools, and other supplies) can be stored and retrieved. Storing or retrieving an item from a pocket requires a bonus action during a round. Each pocket can hold roughly 5 cubic foot of space, though the dimensions can be stretched in various directions. Items do not age while in the pockets.

If a Marshal's cloak is found absent its owner, the DM can determine the contents randomly if desired:

d1OO Pocket
01-08 Bag oflOO gp
09-15 Dagger
16-22 Bullseye lantern (filled and lit)
23-30 Steel mirror
31-44 Hempen rope (50 ft), coiled
45-51 4 potions of healing
52-68 Provisions (meat, bread, cheese, water or wine flask, etc)
69-75 Ammunition (arrows, crossbow bolts, etc)
76-83 Medical kit
84-90 Spell scroll (type and level determined by the DM)
91-96 10 gems worth 100gp each
97-00 Silver coffer (1 foot long, 6 inches wide and deep) worth 500 gp

Note that unlike a robe of useful items, the number of pockets is fixed, and removing an item from a pocket does not destroy the pocket. Donning the robe makes the contents known to the wearer without requiring attunement.