Dragon Sword

Longsword, very rare

These are extremely rare longswords (some say that they come solely from the hand of Bahamut himself) that come in seven varieties, each corresponding to a type of good dragon: gold, silver, bronze, copper, brass, steel, and mercury. Each sword appears to be made of the metal of the corresponding dragon, and the hilt and handle of the sword are fashioned to resemble the head of a dragon.

When carried, the sword confers a +2 to saves verses the type(s) of breath weapon used by that dragon. In combat, they function like long swords, and when they strike an opponent, the creature struck must make a DEX save (DC 18) or take 3d4 points of additional damage from the blade. A successful save results in half damage. The damage is caused in the same manner as the dragon's breath weapon, i.e., fire from a gold dragon sword, cold from a silver, etc.

Any evil creature that lays their hand on a dragon sword must immediately make a DEX save or suffer 3d4 points of damage. This occurs every round they hold the weapon.