Alchemy Container

Wondrous item, uncommon

This ceramic container appears to be able to hold a gallon of liquid and weighs 12 pounds whether full or empty. Sloshing sounds can be heard from within the container when it is shaken, even if the container is empty.

You can use an action and name one liquid from the table below to cause the container to produce the chosen liquid. Afterward, you can uncork the container as an action and pour that liquid out, up to 2 gallons per minute. The maximum amount of liquid the container can produce depends on the liquid you named.

Once the container starts producing a liquid, it can’t produce a different one, or more of one that has reached its maximum, until the next dawn.

Liquid Max Amount
Acid 8 ounces
Basic poison 1/2 ounce
Beer 4 gallons
Honey 1 gallon
Mayonnaise 2 gallons
Mead 4 gallons
Oil 1 quart
Vinegar 2 gallons
Water, fresh 8 gallons
Water, salt 12 gallons
Wine 1 gallon