
The Eldar, mythical beings that supposedly walked the earth in the ancient times, no longer exist, but drive much of the history of Azgaarnoth. It is believed they are the ones who created first the Firstborn, then later the Humans and even later the Created.

Physical descriptions of the Eldar are rare, but what is known is that they were humanoid in shape, thought to be often eight to twelve feet in height, and glowing with mysical power. (There is a school of thought that giants are their long-descended and -fallen kin, but much remains inexplicable if that is the case--including how the Eldar fell so far.) Though they are supposedly immortal, they do not appear in the world today, and amongst the Al'Uma, they are worshipped as gods.

Eldar commonly paired with dragons when entering combat, and the disappearance of Eldar has also led to the withdrawal of dragons from the world, although periodically chromatic dragons are spotted and metallic dragons will frequently respond when that happens.

(GM's note: Eldar are not intended as a playable race; they were each individually at demigod levels, at minimum, and would seriously imbalance game play.)