Spellscarred Savant

Prerequisite: You have a spellscar (any character can be assumed to have a spellscar with DM approval, or a spellscar may be gained by some means in play).

History has lost the origin of the hideous disease known as Spellplague, but it continues to quietly make its way across Azgaarnoth, claiming a few victims every year. Most such "spellscarred" sow madness and fear whenever they appear, but to a select few, the spellscar that mars their flesh is no curse, but rather a powerful boon. You are one of these few, a spellscarred savant. You wear your scar as a badge of power and a fell warning to your foes. You have learned to harness the dark gift of your spellscar and channel its disrupting power. The erratic forces behind your spellscar are yours to command now.

Your mastery of your spellscar allows you to tap into raw magical energy, either to harm others with its sizzling power or invigorate your own body. As your power grows, you can wield the fury of this raw magic as easily as a warrior does a blade, calling down the untempered essence of magic gone mad to burn foes to ash. This grants you the following abilities:

  • Flamespeed. You can use a bonus action to increase your speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. Blue flame momentarily licks the ground where your feet touch it. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Larger than Life. When you make a melee attack, you can increase that attack's reach by 5 feet. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
  • Sight of the Unseen. As a bonus action, or as a reaction when light around you dims, you gain the ability to see in both dim light and darkness as if they were bright light, but only out to a range of 5 feet. You can only end this effect during your turn, but doing so does not require an action. However, if the space you are in is exposed to bright light while this effect is active, you suffer disadvantage on sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks until the end of your next turn. While this effect is active, your eyes are backlit with a dancing blue flame.
  • Spellscarred Strike. When you strike an enemy, you can lash out with a flicker of blue fire that passes through their flesh and removes something vital. As an action, you can make an unarmed strike against a target within 5 feet. You may use either your Strength modifier or your Dexterity modifier to modify the attack roll, but you do not add either ability modifier to damage. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage and 1d4 force damage. The next time the target makes an attack roll before the end of its next turn, it coughs up sickly blue-black blood, and must either accept disadvantage on that attack roll or take 1d8 necrotic damage. Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until after the end of your next turn.
name = 'Spellscarred Savant'
description = "***Feat: Spellscarred Savant.*** Your mastery of your spellscar allows you to tap into raw magical energy, either to harm others with its sizzling power or invigorate your own body. As your power grows, you can wield the fury of this raw magic as easily as a warrior does a blade, calling down the untempered essence of magic gone mad to burn foes to ash."
def prereq(npc): return True
def apply(npc):
    npc.bonusactions.append("***Flamespeed (Recharges on a short or long rest).*** Increase your speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn. Blue flame momentarily licks the ground where your feet touch it.")
    npc.traits.append("***Larger than Life (Recharges on a long rest).*** When you make a melee attack, you can increase that attack's reach by 5 feet.")
    npc.bonusactions.append("***Sight of the Unseen.*** You gain the ability to see in both dim light and darkness as if they were bright light, but only out to a range of 5 feet. You can only end this effect during your turn, but doing so does not require an action. However, if the space you are in is exposed to bright light while this effect is active, you suffer disadvantage on sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks until the end of your next turn. While this effect is active, your eyes are backlit with a dancing blue flame.")
    npc.reactions.append("***Sight of the Unseen.*** You gain the ability to see in both dim light and darkness as if they were bright light, but only out to a range of 5 feet. You can only end this effect during your turn, but doing so does not require an action. However, if the space you are in is exposed to bright light while this effect is active, you suffer disadvantage on sight-based Wisdom (Perception) checks until the end of your next turn. While this effect is active, your eyes are backlit with a dancing blue flame.")
    npc.actions.append("***Spellscarred Strike (Recharges after the end of your next turn).*** When you strike an enemy, you can lash out with a flicker of blue fire that passes through their flesh and removes something vital. You make an Unarmed Strike against a target within 5 feet. You may use either your Strength modifier or your Dexterity modifier to modify the attack roll, but you do not add either ability modifier to damage. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage and 1d4 force damage. The next time the target makes an attack roll before the end of its next turn, it coughs up sickly blue-black blood, and must either accept disadvantage on that attack roll or take 1d8 necrotic damage.")