
You are one of the rare people who have the innate talent to control raw magic and express it in raw, fiery form.

This grants the following benefits:

  • If you already have channeling dice, you gain one more; otherwise, you have two channeling dice, which are d6's. These channeling dice are used to fuel the uses described below. A channeling die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended channeling dice when you finish a long rest. If you are in an area where spells are suppressed or cannot be cast (such as an antimagic field spell), you cannot use channeling dice. If you are inside a wild magic zone, you can take an action to regain all of your channeling dice. You can only spend 1 channeling die per turn.
  • When you take cold damage or damage from a spell, you can use your reaction to expend 1 or more channeling dice and regain hit points equal to the total number rolled on your channeling dice.
  • Whenever you inflict fire damage with a spell or cantrip, you can use your bonus action to expend 1 or more channeling dice to inflict extra damage against one target of that fire damage (even if that target took no fire damage due to immunity or a similar effect). The target takes force damage equal to your total channeling dice roll, and you can push the target up to 10 feet away from you.
  • As an action, you can expend 1 channeling die to cast detect magic.
  • Whenever you spend 1 or more channeling dice, you shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you spend 4 or more channeling dice at once, these radii are doubled.
  • As long as you have at least one unexpended channeling die remaining, you are considered naturally adapted to cold climates, and you have the ability to start fires with a touch. As an action, you can magically ignite a flammable object you touch with your hand--an object such as a torch, a piece of tinder, or the hem of drapes.
  • You learn the produce flame cantrip.