Background: Guild Merchant

Before becoming an adventurer, you were a part of one of the more successful Merchant Guilds. Your guild operated warehouses, organized caravans, managed stores, and owned ships, and has trade contacts throughout a sizable region of Azgaarnoth. Perhaps they import ore, uncut gems, untreated furs, or grain into Mighal, or they export fine cloth, faceted gems, fine furs, or unique liquors or foods. Regardless, you've largely given that life up for some reason and have chosen to seek adventure instead. Nevertheless, the training you received then, and perhaps the contacts you made, serve you well as an adventurer.

Skill Proficiencies

Insight, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies

Vehicles (land) and vehicles (water)


A set of fine clothes, a signet ring, a letter of introduction from your Guild, and a purse containing 25gp

Feature: Factor

Although you’ve left the day-to-day life of a merchant behind, your Guild has assigned you the services of a loyal retainer from the business: a factor, husbanding agent, seafarer, caravan guard, or clerk. This individual is a commoner who can perform mundane tasks for you such as making purchases, delivering messages, and running errands. He or she will not fight for you and will not follow you into obviously dangerous areas (such as dungeons), and will leave if frequently endangered or abused. If he or she is killed, the Guild assigns you another within a few days. If the factor is treated well, they can often "run interference" with the Guild; treated poorly, they can often create obstacles for you even where there are none.

Through your factor, you have trade contacts such as caravan masters, shopkeepers, sailors, artisans, and farmers throughout the region. Once per game session, when adventuring in an area operated by your Guild, you can use those contacts to get information about the local area or to pass a message to someone in those areas.

Note that Merchant Guild obligations do not simply disappear--the Guild will often keep tabs on your activities through your factor, and messages will often come from the Guild informing you of activities or missions they would like you to partake. They may even at times levy a tax on your income from adventuring if you obtain a sizable sum! Guild ties are strings made of gold, but are often pulled most tight at the most inconvenient times.

Personality Traits

d8 Personality Trait
1 I fill my evenings with wine or mead and song.
2 I greatly admire gladiators and enjoy the Arena.
3 I take my wealth for granted. It seldom occurs to me that others aren't rich themselves.
4 I leave broken hearts all around the Moonsea region and up and down the Sword Coast.
5 I work hard and seldom make time for fun.
6 I am particularly devout and pray often.
7 A rival Guild caught me once, and they were worse than pirates or bandits. I hate them.
8 I ask a lot of questions to get information about those with whom I am working and dealing.


d6 Ideal -- | ----------- 1 | Frugal. I spend my money very carefully. (Lawful) 2 | Profligate. I tend to spend extravagantly. (Chaotic) 3 | Honest. I deal with others above board. (Any) 4 | Sharp. I seek to make the best deal possible. (Any) 5 | Charitable. I give generously to others. (Good) 6 | Greedy. I do not share my wealth with others. (Evil)


d6 Bond -- | ----------- 1 | I am fiercely loyal to those with whom I work. 2 | I must uphold the good name of my family. 3 | I will prove myself to my family as an adventurer. 4 | Deals are sacrosanct. I never go back on my word. 5 | I love making deals and negotiating agreements. 6 | I guard my wealth jealously.


d6 Flaw -- | ----------- 1 | I am a braggart. I promote myself shamelessly. 2 | I am vain. I always wear the latest fashions. 3 | I am a glutton. I eat and drink to excess. 4 | I am a snob. I want only the finest things in life. 5 | I am lazy. I want others to take care of everything. 6 | I am overconfident. I overestimate my abilities.