Background: Eldritch Legacy

The martial tradition has always thrived in your family, and from an early age your parents expected great deeds and epic accomplishments from you. As you grew and learned, however, you revealed an entirely different sort of talent--you possessed the spark of magic within you.

Regardless whether your family felt disappointment or pleasure at your newfound ability, they invested in a grueling regimen of dual training. By day, weapons practice, armor practice, and endurance drills. By night, studying with an arcane teacher to master the principles of magic. Through sheer perseverance and stubborn determination, you survived your training and became something rare in the world. In combat, you possess the power to slay your enemies with a blade, but you also hold the power to defeat enemies with magic.

Skill Proficiencies

Arcana, Perception


Two of your choice


A journal filled with entries about magic and your discoveries, a letter of introduction from your master, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Best of Both Worlds

Thanks to your training in both the arcane arts and in the field of martial endeavors, you fit into either world comfortably. Whether you need an audience with a local mages’ guild, or you need a sit-down with a band of mercenaries, you know the customs to observe, the right way to interact with them, and the best approach to take to get a hearing. Outwardly, your personality subtly changes to fit with your surroundings, and your habits adjust accordingly. You can gain audience with wizards, sorcerers, scholars, and their ilk when such worthies would otherwise ignore a warrior, gaining the chance to ask for information or a favor from them. Likewise, you can demand to be heard by mercenaries, soldiers, and battlehardened veterans who normally wouldn’t spare a moment for a magician, asking for a place to rest, loan of equipment, or similar favors.

Suggested Characteristics

Although other warriors may scoff at your arcane talents, or disdain your book-learning, you have found the dual nature of your training a boon. Before the fight begins, you know what to look for to identify enemy spellcasters and magical effects, and you hold an appreciation for the power magic brings to the battle. Once combat begins, your instincts kick in and you fight with the same measure of skill as any of your more martial brethren. The combination of training and education taught you the values of patience and attention to detail.

D8 Personality Trait
1 I approach every fight as an intellectual challenge, a lesson waiting to be learned.
2 I never lose my temper, so at times I come across as cold and emotionless.
3 Let me lecture you on what you did wrong and how I would have done it better.
4 My arcane abilities embarrass me, so I try to keep them a secret.
5 Whenever another warrior mocks my education, I want to teach him a lesson in humiliation.
6 No matter how useful it is, I’ll never fully trust the arcane power flowing through me.
7 I think there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know where my magic comes from...
8 I use big words and flowery speech so people know how smart I am.
D6 Ideal
1 Knowledge. Without knowledge, we are but ignorant children alone in the dark. (Any)
2 Power. The strong must control the weak, and use every means possible to do so (Evil)
3 Freedom. I swear never to use my talents to serve another master. Each of us must follow their own path. (Chaotic)
4 Duty. My arcane gifts allow me to serve my family and to fulfill my oaths. (Lawful)
5 Hope. The people of the land deserve protection, and they need someone who will fight on their behalf. (Good)
6 Comrades. I only sacrifice my blood and my treasure for those who fight at my side. (Neutral)
D6 Bond
1 Everything I do is to prove to my family I deserve their respect, no matter how much they fear my power.
2 I watched my master get torn limb from limb. I swear to avenge his death and destroy the monster responsible.
3 My family cursed me and disowned me because of my gifts. I must find a way to return to their good graces.
4 I bear a strange arcane brand on my flesh. I need to find out where it came from and what it means.
5 There are others like me who are persecuted for their talents. I will seek them out and help them to control their gift.
6 The inquisitors will never stop hunting me for my past misdeeds, but somehow I will atone for those crimes.
D6 Flaw
1 I take foolish risks at any chance to learn more magic and to collect new magic items.
2 I’m not being arrogant‐‐I really am smarter than you.
3 Brute strength warriors don’t deserve my respect, and I tell them so.
4 I’m too analytical, thinking and studying a problem when I should be killing it.
5 If someone insults my worth, I must demonstrate their error to them.
6 Never trust another magician, even if he’s on your side. I know all their tricks.