Background: Dailan Scholar

You come from a religiously heretical background, the Dailan Heresy, that eschews the worship of the Old Gods--any gods, really--because calling upon beings who are already stretched to the limit serving mortalkind only contributes to their gradual-but-accelerating failure. Where others seek to put their faith in distant beings on alternate planes of existence, you seek self-sufficiency, through your own means and abilities.

Skill Proficiencies

Two of Arcana, History, Insight, or Survival


Two of your choice


A writing kit (small pouch with a quill, ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife), a naturalists kit (for taking samples and transporting them safely for study), and a pouch containing 10 gp


Dailans are everywhere studying everything, but all that knowledge is only accessible to those who know how to tap into it. As a Dailan Scholar, you know how to find other Scholars in nearby areas (usually towns of a thousand people or more) who can assist you with your research. Much of this research is practical in nature, but stretches well beyond the boundaries of the physical earth. This can include mage schools, traditional libraries, and sometimes even religious cloisters (where Dailans position themselves to better understand how they might wean mortalkind off of divine addiction).

Additionally, you are likely to gain preferential treatment at other libraries across the Realms, as professional courtesy shown to a fellow scholar. If you become an arcane magic user, you will be treated with great respect by other Dailan Scholars, but divine casters and the various religious organizations will be skeptical and/or aloof to your presence. Druidic traditions (druids and rangers), artificers, and psionic users generally are quite friendly to you, as are arcane casters. However, as a declared Heresy, you cannot wear your Dailan beliefs openly, or you may find trouble with religious authorities.

Your bond is almost certainly associated either with the place where you grew up or with the knowledge you hope to acquire through adventuring. Your ideal is no doubt related to how you view the quest for knowledge and truth--perhaps as a worthy goal in itself, or maybe as a means to a desirable end.