Background: Conscript

You were volunteered for military duty, and not entirely with your consent.

Skills: Athletics, Survival Tool Proficiencies: You gain proficiency in one type of gaming set and vehicles (land). Equipment: Military uniform, short sword, wooden shield, leather armor, set of dice or deck of cards, set of common clothes. Feature: Battle Participant While you were not as valued as a true soldier of the military, all who fought on your side recognize you as one of their own. D8 Personality Trait 1 I have the manners of a goat and the grace of an ox… and I don’t give a crap. 2 I never wanted to be in combat, but now I find I can’t get enough of it. 3 If there’s a way to get out of hard work, I’ll find it. 4 Death doesn’t scare me—and that fact scares the hell out of me. 5 Nobody appreciates my sense of gallows humor. 6 During the fight, I’m numb as a corpse. After it’s all over, I shiver like a frightened cat. 7 I’ve seen so many people die that I have trouble remembering faces. 8 Complaining about bad food, stupid officers, and all my aches and misery keeps me sane. D6 Ideal 1 Independence. Nobody gives me orders any more. Nobody. (Chaotic) 2 Survival. The only way to survive is to make someone else suffer in your place. (Evil) 3 Loyalty. Trust in your shield mates is the only thing keeping you alive. (Lawful) 4 Greed. I’ll do anything you want, so long as there’s coin involved. (Neutral) 5 Hope. If we stop the evil threatening our land, others won’t have to sacrifice as we did. (Good) 6 Vengeance. Those who conscripted me and destroyed my life must be punished. (Any) D6 Bond 1 I don’t know if my family lives or dies, but one day I will find them and return home to them. 2 I fight so other folks like me won’t have to. I fight for a better world. 3 Those who fight at my side are my brothers and sisters, and the only ones worth dying for. 4 Let the cause be just. Let my life have meaning before I die, bleeding and forgotten.
5 Every victory brings me closer to earning a life free of blood, guts, and horror. 6 Someday, I’ll have my own mercenary company to command. D6 Flaw 1 Nobles and officers are only worth one thing: killing—assuming you can get away with it. 2 Honor is for fools, dead men, and officers. 3 The scars on my body pain me by day; the scars on my soul haunt me at night. 4 Deep down inside, I’m a coward. The day will come when I’ll break and run. 5 The sight of blood and guts makes me sick. 6 When someone barks orders at me, I obey without thinking about it.