Background: Blacksmith

War never changes. There are winners and losers. Madmen and kings. Generals and pawns. They all require one thing in order to fight and die for their cause: quality craftsmanship. A handful of solid nails is just as important as a grip of razor sharp arrowheads when victory is near. A solid lock or iron gate can repel attackers just as effectively as a shield wall. One couldn’t defend the motherland or conquer the infidels without your skills and hard work. Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, History Tool Proficiencies: Smith’s tools or artisan’s tools Equipment: A worn and comfortable set of smith’s or artisan’s tools, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp Feature: Fixer By disassembling, tinkering and scrounging, you can fix or make something that is serviceable, but not good looking. You can use this ability during a long rest to repair or remove the Broken Condition from a weapon or piece or armor (see the broken condition, pg. 53, Fifth Edition Options by TPK Games). Suggested Characteristics Whether you trained with the finest dwarven smiths or learned your trade from your father, you know that decently made equipment is vital to survival. You have an innate distaste for inferior craftsmanship, and can spot the difference between sturdy work and cheap knock offs. At the end of the day, the ring of hammer on forge is the most comforting sound you can think of. D8 Personality Trait 1 I need to know how things work. I will have an unreachable itch until I figure it out.
2 I know, deep down, that I can do better work. 3 Let me tell you about my newest project... 4 I’ve seen that done, only better. 5 Here, let me show you what the most efficient way to do this. 6 I judge a man by the callouses on his hands and the sweat on his brow. 7 I treat my tools with reverence and respect. Only a fool neglects the tools of his trade. 8 I would do anything to learn the secrets of the smiths of old. D6 Ideal 1 Perfection. My life’s goal is to one day craft the most magnificent item ever seen. (Any) 2 Discovery. I adventure to learn the forgotten and forbidden secrets of my craft. (Neutral) 3 Reputation. The work I perform must represent my skill. When you hold my work in your hands, you see the truth of who I am. (Lawful) 4 Comrades. The people at my side are more important than any cause or mission. 5 Greed. I don’t work for anyone unless there’s a benefit to me. (Evil) 6 Service. My skills, my craft, can save lives. All I want is the chance to do just that. (Good) D6 Bond 1 The brotherhood of the forge overshadows all. Any craftsman asking for help will receive my aid, no questions asked.
2 My master taught me everything I know. I work to honor him, and one day I’ll pass on what I’ve learned. 3 My hands shall forge the weapon that will destroy those who took everything from me. 4 Proving I am the best at my craft drives my ambition and keeps me awake at night. 5 The greatest blade ever forged haunts my dream. I must find it and learn its secrets. 6 The common folk have the right to defend themselves, and I intend on giving them the means to do so.
D6 Flaw 1 I won’t trust anything made by someone else. 2 I am overly critical of anything anyone does that is different than I would do it.
3 I would rather go into a battle unarmed instead of using subpar craftsmanship.
4 The sight of quality workmanship distracts me at the worst possible times. 5 People deserve the benefit of my knowledge and experience, even if they don’t know it.
6 I despise working for nobles and wealthy snobs who don’t deserve my talent.