Lycanthropy in Azgaarnoth

Lycanthropy, in which a creature has the ability to transform into a savage creature of the wild, is a rare condition found in Azgaarnoth. There are several variants of the condition; one is a transmissible magical disease in which the lycanthrope lacks conscious control over both the time of transformation and their actions after the transformation, while the other is a natural condition passed genetically from parent to child, in which control over the transformation is stronger, but not perfect, as is control over the creature's actions while transformed. Those infected by the transmissible disease, if they have children (as either parent), they then pass it on, who gain some measure of control. However, it is not uncommon for those parents who lack any control to then seek to destroy their children out of jealousy.

Player character lyncanthropes

A character who becomes a lycanthrope retains his or her statistics except as specified by lycanthrope type. The character gains the lycanthrope’s speeds in nonhumanoid form, damage immunities, traits, and actions that don’t involve equipment. The character is proficient with the lycanthrope’s natural attacks, such as its bite or claws, which deal damage as shown in the lycanthrope’s statistics. The character can’t speak while in animal form.

A non-lycanthrope humanoid hit by an attack that carries the curse of lycanthropy must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + the lycanthrope’s proficiency bonus + the lycanthrope's Constitution modifier) or be cursed. If the character embraces the curse, his or her alignment becomes the one defined for the lycanthrope while in that lycanthropic form; during their time as their original (humanoid) form, they retain full control over their choices and alignment.

The following information applies to specific lycanthropes.

Werebear. The character gains a Strength of 19 if his or her score isn’t already higher, and a +1 bonus to AC while in bear or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength.

Wereboar. The character gains a Strength of 17 if his or her score isn’t already higher, and a +1 bonus to AC while in boar or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the tusks are based on Strength. For the Charge trait, the DC is 8 + the character’s proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.

Wererat. The character gains a Dexterity of 15 if his or her score isn’t already higher. Attack and damage rolls for the bite are based on whichever is higher of the character’s Strength and Dexterity.

Weretiger. The character gains a Strength of 17 if his or her score isn’t already higher. Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength. For the Pounce trait, the DC is 8 + the character’s proficiency bonus + Strength modifier.

Werewolf. The character gains a Strength of 15 if his or her score isn’t already higher, and a +1 bonus to AC while in wolf or hybrid form (from natural armor). Attack and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based on Strength.

Other lycanthropes may have similar adjustments.