Condition: Buried

When a creature is surrounded on all sides by a solid substance that it cannot move through, it is buried. This can be caused by a variety of sources, both magical and natural (such as being submerged in a landslide, cave-in, or avalanche, or by simply being buried alive).

To be buried, a target must be trapped in a substance which is too solid to swim or fly through. Without a suitable substance to be buried in, a target cannot suffer from this condition. If a creature or object is only partially buried, it does not suffer from this condition.

The substance it is buried in provides total cover from all directions. Unless the viewer can see through that substance, it also blocks line of sight. In addition, a buried creature suffers the following ailments while it remains buried:

  • It cannot use blindsight.
  • It is deafened unless it has tremorsense.
  • It is paralyzed, except that it is not incapacitated.
  • It cannot breathe or provide somatic components for spells.
  • If it normally needs to breathe, it can't speak or provide verbal components, it has disadvantage on saving throws made to maintain concentration, and it must hold its breath or suffocate.

A creature cannot be buried in a substance that it can swim or burrow through. If a buried creature gains this capability after being buried, it immediately stops suffering from this condition.

A creature that is immune to any of the grappled, restrained, or paralyzed conditions is not paralyzed.

A creature that does not need to breathe can still provide verbal components, and will not suffocate.