Arcane Tradition: Spectral Agent

An offshoot of the Scrymancy school, spectral agents focus more on bringing the wizard into the ethereal, rather than sending magic to observe at a distance. Critics point out that it also invests to some degree into the world of the undead, but practitioners of this school point out that the undead, after all, are the silent observers of the living, are they not?

Spectral agents are often retained by noble houses, merchant guilds, and other organizations that value covert intelligence. The Silent Tower openly dislikes this tradition and refuses to have anything to do with it, yet somehow the tradition carries on.

Unholy In-specter

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you can use your magic to haunt the living, spying on clandestine meetings. You can use an action to fade into Border Ethereal. While you maintain concentration on this effect you remain there. While in the Border Ethereal, you can view events on the Material Plane as if you were standing in the spot which you vacated, though you cannot move from that spot. The 5-foot square from which you vanished is Haunted until you return. If you cast a spell, break concentration or otherwise exit the Border Ethereal, you are ejected into the space on the Material Plane which you left. While you are in the Border Ethereal, spells and abilities that detect undead sense an unholy presence in the Haunted area. You can remain in the Border Ethereal In this way for up to 1 hour, after which time you are ejected into the space you left. You cannot use this ability within the area consecreted by a hallow spell, or an area warded against interplanar travel. You must finish a long rest before using this ability again.

At 6th level, you can remain in the Border Ethereal for a number of hours equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).

Left Hand Rite

At 2nd level, you add the find familiar spell to your spellbook if you don't know it already. When you cast the spell as a ritual, you can choose to have your familiar take the form of a crawling claw instead. If you do, you must cut off your own left hand as part of the ritual, which immediately regrows from the stump.

When you summon a crawling claw in this way, you can use it to perform somatic components for any spell you cast while it is within 5 feet of you.


At 6th level, when using your Unholy In-specter ability, you can use your action to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial anywhere within 30 feet of the spot you are haunting. You can't use this ability to attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 10 pounds. If creatures can see your meddling, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check versus their Wisdom (Perception) check. If you succeed, you pass your meddling off as an accident or clumsiness on the part of another creature rather than overt supernatural influence. You can also telepathically control a crawling claw you have created through your Left Hand Rite regardless of distance.

The Walls Have Ears

At 10th level, you add the clairvoyance spell to your spellbook if you don't know it already. When you cast the spell, you can target any location you have Haunted with your Unholy In-Specter ability in the past 7 days, regardless of distance, as long as you are on the same plane of existence.

Mist Me

At 14th level, you can evade the clutches of death by vanishing into mist. When you would drop to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to cast gaseous form (requiring no components), transforming into a cloud of mist and dropping to 1 hit point instead.

When you cast the spell in this way, it doesn't require concentration, and the spell lasts for 1 minute. You can't use this ability in direct sunlight or in running water. If you can't transform, you can't use this ability. You must finish a long rest before using this ability again.