Arcane Tradition: School of Divinity

Many individuals are intrigued by the divine, though few end up becoming members of a temple's clergy. For those who are more interested in the academic side of the divine, who have grievances with organized religious institutions, or who lacked the spirituality or piety to become a priest, the School of Divinity serves as a different way of engaging with the gods and enacting your faith.

Wizards of this school spend as much time studying religious manuscripts and holy texts as they do studying the arcane. However, they rarely get along with priests. They often view religious institutions with suspicion or disdain born out of past experience, and most priests regard the faith of these wizards as being without spiritual substance, and thus meaningless.

Bonus Proficiency

2nd-level feature

You gain proficiency in the Religion skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, you gain proficiency in another skill of your choice instead.

Devout Initiate

2nd-level feature

You learn two cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. These cantrips count as wizard spells for you, and they don't count against the number of wizard cantrips you know.

Furthermore, you can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells.

Faithful Magic

6th-level feature

You add two spells from the cleric spell list to your wizard spellbook. The spells you choose must be of a level which you can cast, and they count as wizard spells for you. You gain an additional two spells in this way at 11th level and at 17th level.

Holy Magic

10th-level feature

Your spells become laced with holy power. Fiends and Undead have disadvantage on saving throws made against your wizard spells.

Arcane Miracle

14th-level feature

You have learned to emulate certain miracles of the gods. You can perform the following miracles:

  • Purify. As an action, you touch a willing creature. All curses, diseases, sicknesses, and other ailments afflicting that creature are ended.
  • Raise Dead. You cast raise dead without expending a spell slot. This spell does not require any material components when you cast it using this feature, and has a casting time of one action.
  • Restore. As an action, you touch a willing creature. That creature regains all its hit points, and any missing or damaged body parts are restored.

Performing these miracles is incredibly taxing on you. You gain 2 levels of exhaustion each time you use this feature. This exhaustion can not be reduced by any means other than by taking a long rest.