Shamanic Calling: Speaker of Winds

You have answered the call of the spirits of air, unpredictable beings that are as proud as they are capricious. Air spirits rarely stay in the same place, blowing away with the wind almost as soon as they arrive somewhere. They can be found wherever there is air, though some in the underground caverns and hidden places of the world have become lost and have been driven mad by their confinement. These spirits often treat landbound creatures with condescending pity, viewing them as fundamentally lesser beings.

Obeisance of Winds

Shamans who speak for the wind embody the restlessness and freedom of air. Constantly driven onward by ambition and wanderlust, they rarely allow themselves to be tied down or their time to be wasted.

Aspiration. The wind is never satisfied. No matter how far it has blown, it never rests for long before moving on after a new goal. Even if it has crossed the entire world, the wind will keep searching. In the same way, shamans who speak for the wind often feel driven to accomplish great things. Like the wind, they are rarely content with what they have achieved, always looking for something more.

Exploration. No part of the world is beyond the reach of the wind, and it eagerly explores anywhere it has not been. Many shamans of the air share this wanderlust, becoming restless whenever others speak of lands or sights they have not seen. Wandering shamans who meet one another on their journeys often share stories with one another, and may well change course to explore what they hear from one another.

Independence. Air and wind refuse to be tied down or denied. No shackle can hold the wind, and no words can command it. It is common for wind shamans to emulate this freedom and independence in their own lives, forming only fleeting connections with people and places. In some cases, a shaman gains this independence not through choice, but through loss.

Utility. As it blows, the wind wears away the surface of all things. In the end, only the underlying structure of something truly lasts. For this reason, shamans of air often ignore ornamentation as pointless--what truly matters is the functional purpose. These utilitarian shamans do not discriminate based on appearances, but they also often forgo niceties in conversation.

Speaker of Winds Calling Spells Shaman Level | Calling Spells ------------ | -------------- 1st | catapult, feather fall 3rd | blur, gust of wind 5th | fly, lightning bolt 7th | freedom of movement, storm sphere 9th | control winds, passwall

Blessings of the Wind

When you choose this calling at 1st level, you gain the gust, lashing wind, and shocking grasp cantrips and learn the Auran dialect of the Primordial language. You also become proficient in the Acrobatics skill.


Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to speak with the wind. If you are outdoors and the wind is blowing, you can use an action to call to the spirit of the wind, allowing it to communicate with you in Auran and answer questions that you pose. You can ask the wind up to three questions before the effect ends. The wind knows only what has occurred outdoors and above ground, and usually only remembers details that it has encountered over the last 5 miles and within the last hour. Answers are always brief, often as short as one word or phrase, but the wind usually answers honestly.

If you describe a type of animal or plant, a specific creature, or a specific object, the wind can tell you if a creature or object matching that description is upwind of you if it is within 5 miles of you, outdoors, above ground, and visible. However, the wind cannot tell you the distance to that creature or object, nor can it offer any more specific direction than "upwind" unless the creature or object is within 1,000 feet of you.

As one of your questions, you can ask the wind to carry a message for you to a creature that you describe. After describing the intended recipient, you speak a message of up to twenty-five words. If a creature matching the given description is downwind of you and within 5 miles of you, the wind will carry the sound of your voice to that creature within an hour. Once you use this feature to speak with the wind, you cannot speak with the wind within 1 mile of that location again for 24 hours.


At 6th level, you learn to shroud yourself in swirling winds that make your movements difficult for enemies to follow. When a creature makes an attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll. If the attack misses you, your next attack roll against the creature has advantage if you make it before the end of your next turn.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Weather the Storm

At 10th level, your mastery of air renders you resistant to the effects of storms. You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage, and you are immune to being paralyzed.


At 14th level, you learn to summon storms that transport you to locations with which you are familiar. By spending 24 hours in meditation and communion with spirits of air in an outdoor location, you can form a bond to that location. You can maintain a number of bonded locations equal to your Charisma modifier. By spending an hour in meditation, you can sever one of your bonds to a location, allowing you to form new bonds.

In addition, by spending 10 minutes invoking the spirits of one of the locations to which you are bonded, you can summon a small storm that transports you and up to eight willing creatures that you can see within 10 feet, or one object that you can see within 10 feet, to that location. If you target an object, it must be able to fit entirely within a 10-foot cube, and it can't be held or worn by an unwilling creature.

When you use this feature to travel, a storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall with a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you can see 100 feet directly above you. The feature fails if you can't see a point in the air where the storm cloud could form (for example, if you are in a room that can't accommodate the cloud) or if you attempt to travel to a location that is not on the same plane of existence as you.

Once the storm cloud has formed, a sudden bolt of lightning obscures sight of the travelers. When the disturbance clears, the travelers are gone. The storm cloud then dissipates over the following 10 minutes.

Though the travelers disappear instantaneously, they do not immediately arrive at their destination. Instead, 10 minutes elapse, during which a second storm cloud forms at the chosen location. In a second flash of lightning, the travelers reappear at the destination. After the targets have arrived, the second storm cloud dissipates over the following 10 minutes.

Though 10 minutes have passed since they disappeared, it appears to the travelers as though the transport was instantaneous. For the 10 minutes in which the travelers are gone, they are treated as being on another plane.

Once you have used this feature to travel, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.