Shamanic Calling: Speaker of Waters

You have answered the call of the spirits of water, calm keepers of knowledge that murmur softly about the world around them. Some water spirits simply observe their surroundings as they flow through the world, collecting knowledge as it flits past them. Others greedily devour and hoard information, hiding long-forgotten secrets in the depths of their memories. Water spirits care little for material objects, for what does not rot beneath the waves will often rust, but are always willing to bargain for new knowledge.

Obeisance of Waters

Shamans who speak for waters embody the depth and mystery of the seas. They value thought over action, and seek understanding of all things. Reflection. The seas do not seek to engulf the world, nor do they strive to build upon it. Instead, water contains the world within itself, reflecting everything that is. Rivers reflect the lands through which they flow, bringing knowledge of them to the seas. Similarly, a shaman of water is less concerned with making her mark on the world than she is with learning all that there is to learn. Wandering water shamans travel not out of whim or wanderlust, but out of an overwhelming thirst for understanding.

Placidity. Even in the fiercest storm, only the surface of the sea is troubled: beneath the waves, all remains calm. Shamans called to the seas seek to emulate this placidity, rarely allowing outside events to provoke true emotional response.

Patience. Though a river can wear down a mountain or carve out a valley, it does so slowly, over the course of decades. A single wave that crashes over the banks accomplishes nothing. Reflecting this, water shamans tend towards careful thought and extensive deliberation, rather than immediate action.

Austerity. Those who are weighed down by possessions or luxuries will drown, unable to swim freely. Those shamans who speak for the waters eschew worldly goods and connections, viewing such things as unnecessary attachments that would sink them.

Speaker of Waters Calling Spells Shaman Level | Calling Spells ------------ | -------------- 1st | create or destroy water, ice knife 3rd | calm emotions, zone of truth 5th | counterspell, tidal wave 7th | control water, locate creature 9th | dominate person, maelstrom

Blessings of Waters

When you choose this calling at 1st level, you gain the acid splash, frostbite, and shape water cantrips and learn the Aquan dialect of the Primordial language. You also become proficient in the Investigation skill.


Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to speak with water. As an action, you can call to the spirit of a body of water that you touch, allowing it to communicate with you in Aquan and answer the questions that you pose. You can ask the water up to three questions before the effect ends. Water cannot see creatures, objects, or events on dry land, but it can hear normally. A body of water is completely aware of any creatures of objects that have moved through it or are currently within it, and can provide complete descriptions of them, as well as any events that have occurred beneath its surface. If a creature has drunk from the body of water within the past 10 days, it can answer one question about what that creature knows or intends. Answers are often cryptic or repetitive, but the water usually answers honestly.

It is common for water spirits to request knowledge in exchange for their answers, and water you speak to may demand that you answer questions of its own before it answers a second question. If another shaman has spoken with a body of water, the water may possess knowledge that it otherwise might lack. Similarly, any body of water that is fed by a river or stream may possess knowledge from upstream, but it is not a guarantee.

You can use this feature to speak with a body of water as small as a glass of water or as large as an ocean. However, a body of water larger than 60 feet across may not answer your call, and will often provide half-truths. Such bodies of water always demand at least one piece of information in exchange for their answers, and may lie if they feel the exchange is unequal.

Once you have used this feature to speak with a body of water, you cannot speak with that same water again for 10 days.

Aqueous Form

Starting at 6th level, you can briefly take on a watery form in order to escape from confinement. When you are grappled or restrained, you can use your reaction to automatically escape from the restraints. You need not use this feature immediately upon becoming grappled or restrained, and can use your reaction to escape the restraints at any time.

Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Master of Ice and Steam

At 10th level, you are as fluid and changing as the spirits of water, allowing you to resist the effects of extreme temperatures. You have resistance to cold and fire damage and suffer no harm in temperatures as cold as -20 degrees Fahrenheit or as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made against effects that would reduce your speed or light you on fire.

Move Across the Waters

Upon reaching 14th level, you master the connection between all water, allowing you to gain knowledge of distant places. By spending 10 minutes meditating in a pool of calm water, you can animate your reflection and send it to distant pools of water, allowing you to see and speak through it. Your reflection can only appear in a body of water that is at least 1 foot in diameter and is calm enough to display the reflections of nearby creatures and objects. The body of water need not be natural--your reflection can appear in basins or other containers that are filled with water, so long as they are large enough.

When you use this feature, you instantly know the location of all appropriate pools of water within 500 miles and you can use your action to move your reflection from the pool it currently occupies to another appropriate pool that you are aware of. Your reflection begins in the pool in which you are meditating.

When your reflection occupies a pool, you can use your action to move the reflection within the pool, and make it gesture, speak, and behave in whatever manner you choose. It speaks with your voice and mimics your mannerisms perfectly.

You can see and hear through your reflection as though you were in its space. On your turn as a bonus action, you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again. While using its senses, you are blinded and deafened in regard to your own surroundings.

The reflection is obviously not a real creature, appearing only as an image on the surface of the water. If the surface of the water is disturbed sufficiently to scatter the reflection, it disappears, and the effect ends. Otherwise, the effect lasts for 1 hour or until your concentration is broken (as if you are concentrating on a spell).

Once you have used this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.