Shamanic Calling: Speaker of Stones

You have answered the call of the spirits of earth, reclusive tenders of the land. Many earth spirits prefer to remain in the wild spaces, untouched by plough or cobblestone, where they work to preserve the natural state of the land. Others, however, have made peace with agriculture, and can be found in fields, helping crops to grow. A few even dwell in urban areas, preserving what natural life remains and encouraging new growth. Earth spirits are often slow to trust strangers to their land, but can usually be moved by offerings of beautiful stones. Most spirits are content simply to look upon such stones, but some insist on keeping them for themselves.

Obeisance of Stones

Shamans who speak for stones embody the strength and vitality of the earth. They appreciate the world for the beauty and wonder that it contains, and will stand against any force in order to protect it.

Preservation. Unlike the more volatile elements, earth and stone do not seek to change themselves or their environment. A boulder may roll down a mountainside, but, once it has found its place, it will remain there. Shamans who speak for stone tend towards contentment and acceptance of the world as it is. Rather than seeking change in the world, these shamans find it more important to preserve what exists and allow things to follow their natural course.

Diligence. No matter what stands against it, stone endures. Drawing upon this endurance, stone-called shamans are indefatigable. No matter what stands in her way, a shaman will push through to complete her task or achieve her goal.

Growth. While the earth does not change itself, it is the source of life and growth. Rich, healthy soil gives rise to lush vegetation, which in turn feeds a variety of animals. Viewing this interconnectivity as a grand structure that connects all things, many shamans of the earth seek to promote natural growth and allow themselves and those around them to flourish.

Beauty. From dazzling gemstones to unusual rock formations, the earth is a source of wonders. It is common for shamans who are called to stone to have an appreciation for beauty, both in nature and in art. While shamans may not necessarily have any artistic talent of their own, they often have refined tastes, and will take the time to admire the works of others.

Speaker of Stones Calling Spells Shaman Level | Calling Spells ------------ | -------------- 1st | earth tremor, sanctuary 3rd | earthbind, lesser restoration 5th | erupting earth, meld into stone 7th | grasping vine, stone shape 9th | greater restoration, transmute rock

Blessings of Stone

When you choose this calling at 1st level, you gain the magic stoneEE, mold earthEE, and thorn whip cantrips and learn the Terran dialect of the Primordial language. You also become proficient in the Athletics skill.


Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to speak with stones. As an action, you can call to the spirit of a stone or stone object that you touch, allowing it to communicate with you in Terran and answer the questions that you pose. You can ask the stone up to three questions before the effect ends. Stones cannot see, but can describe nearby events and creatures and objects that have passed through as though they had tremorsense out to 100 feet. However, a stone can provide complete descriptions of any creature or object that has come into contact with it, as well as anything that is covered or concealed behind or beneath it. A stone can also sense the presence of precious metals and gems within 100 feet, but not their exact locations. Answers are often cryptic or lyrical, but the stone always answers honestly.

You can use this feature to speak with natural or worked stone. Stones have long memories, but often answer questions about the distant past with even more cryptic answers than usual. Moreover, the stone's perspective and perception may prevent it from knowing details relevant to your question.

You can attempt to use this feature to speak with natural land formations, such as mountains, but they rarely answer such calls, and only answer a single question if they do. Land formations are aware of only vague details, and do not register the passing of a single creature or object. They can sense the presence of precious metals and gems within themselves, but not in their surroundings.

Once you use this feature to speak with a stone, you cannot speak with that same stone again for 10 days.

Unyielding Stone

Starting at 6th level, you can briefly transform into stone to protect yourself. When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to prevent the attack's damage against you.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Roots of the Mountain

At 10th level, you are as sturdy and immovable as the mountains themselves. You have resistance to bludgeoning damage. In addition, you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock you prone.

Preserve in Stone

Upon reaching 14th level, you learn to preserve creatures and objects in earthen form. By spending 10 minutes in meditation, you can turn one willing or incapacitated creature that you touch, or one object that you touch, into stone. A creature that is turned into stone is subjected to the petrified condition. An object that is turned into stone has its moving parts (hinges, gears, and the like) fused together, ceases to be subject to any decay or wear processes that it would normally undergo, and has its weight increased by a factor of ten if it was not already made of stone or metal.

If a creature or object that you have turned to stone with this feature is physically broken or damaged while transformed, the stone slowly reconstitutes the damage over 24 hours. If the creature or object is returned to its natural state before that point, however, it suffers from deformities appropriate to the damage it sustained.

If you turn a creature to stone with this feature, you can choose whether or not that creature retains its awareness. A creature that retains its awareness remains fully aware and conscious while turned to stone, retaining its normal hearing capabilities and gaining blindsight out to 120 feet. You can communicate telepathically with such a creature by touching it. A creature that does not retain its awareness is unaware of its surroundings and does not register the passage of time. You can rouse such a creature's consciousness for telepathic communication by touching it, in which case it is only dimly aware of its condition but is fully capable of understanding and communicating.

At any time, you can take an action to release the creature or object from this effect, returning it to the state that it was in when you used this feature. To a creature that did not retain its awareness, it appears as though no time has passed, though it remembers any telepathic conversation in which it took part.

You can only preserve one creature or object in this way at a time. If you use this feature again, the previous target is returned to its natural state immediately.