Shamanic Calling: Speaker of Flames

You have answered the call of the spirits of fire, impetuous beings that delight equally in creation and destruction. Some fire spirits attach themselves to smithies or kitchens, savoring the creative role of their domain, while others frolic through the wilds, making way for new life by burning away the old. When presented with the chance, these spirits often play tricks on mortals, which can range from harmless to lethal depending on the temperament of the spirit involved.

Obeisance of Flames

Shamans who speak for flames embody the passion and creativity of fire. Through their works and actions, they work to bring light to the world and joy to themselves and those around them.

Creation. From the forge of a master smith to the seeds that can only sprout after a blaze, fire is inexorably linked to processes of transformation and creation. A fire shaman always has some piece of creative work that is in progress, though it can take anywhere from days to years for a piece to be completed. Wandering shamans tend to favor easily carried crafts such as whittling or scrimshaw.

Passion. Just as flames burn high and low, emotions can flare up and die down. Shamans called to flames do not reign in or quash their emotions, nor do they attempt to calm themselves from the throes of passion. Instead, they listen to and act upon their feelings, often making judgments based more on emotion than logic.

Action. The life of a flame is short and unpredictable, allowing little time for deliberation. Shamans of the flame often take a similar view of mortal life and choose to live in the moment, acting on their impulses instead of wasting time on sophistry.

Indulgence. A fire does not refrain from burning its fuel--it consumes whatever is placed before it. So, too, do shamans of the fire indulge their desires. Whether for fine food, luxurious accommodations, or other amenities, a fire shaman seeks satisfaction and enjoyment from life.

Speaker of Flames Calling Spells Shaman Level | Calling Spells ------------ | -------------- 1st | burning hands, healing word 3rd | heat metal, pyrotechnics 5th | fireball, revivify 7th | fire enchantment, wall of fire 9th | immolation, mass cure wounds

Blessings of Flame

When you choose this calling at 1st level, you gain the control flames, fire bolt, fire hawk and produce flame cantrips and learn the Ignan dialect of the Primordial language. You also become proficient with one type of artisan's tools.


Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to speak with fire. As an action, you can call to the spirit of a fire within 10 feet of you, allowing it to communicate with you in Ignan and answer questions that you pose. You can ask the fire up to three questions before the effect ends. A fire knows only what has occurred around it since it was lit, though it can usually describe the individual who lit it and always knows the nature of objects and materials that it has burned.

If a fire fully burned a corpse within 10 days of death, completely reducing it to ash, you can ask one question about what that corpse knew in life. Answers are usually brief, sometimes as short as one word or phrase, but the fire always answers honestly.

If a fire that was extinguished is reignited within 10 minutes, it will remember what occurred before it was extinguished, but it will have no memory of the period between being extinguished and being reignited. A fire that is regularly extinguished and reignited, such as that in a fireplace or forge, may possess memories from previous times it was lit, even if had been extinguished for more than 10 minutes, but will still have no memory of any period during which it was not alight.

Once you use this feature to speak with a fire, you cannot speak with that same fire again for 24 hours.

Burn Away

Starting at 6th level, you can vanish into flames in response to harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to disappear in a gout of fire and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, where you appear in a second burst of flames. Each creature other than you within 5 feet of either your original location or your new one must make a Dexterity saving throw against your shaman spell save DC. A creature takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature in the area of more than one fiery burst is affected only once.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Absorb Fire

At 10th level, your inner fire burns so hot that flames heal you, rather than harming you. You are immune to fire damage, and whenever you would normally take fire damage, you instead regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage that would have been dealt, rounded down. This feature can restore you to no more than half of your hit point maximum.

Flames of Creation

Upon reaching 14th level, you learn the secret of forging fire itself into concrete forms. By spending 10 minutes working smokeless flame, you can create a nonliving object within 30 feet that is composed of vegetable matter (soft goods, rope, wood, or something similar), minerals (stone, crystal, or metal), or multiple materials. The object created must be no larger than a 10-foot cube, and must be of a form and material that you have seen before. The object is visibly magical, flickering with an inner light that provides dim light out to 5 feet, and is warm to the touch. No matter what material the object is made out of, it floats in water.

At any time, you can take an action to dismiss the flames that you have bound into an object, causing it to disappear in a harmless flash of fire. An object also disappears if it suffers noticeable structural damage. Otherwise, objects created by this feature last indefinitely. You can maintain a number of objects equal to your Charisma modifier. If you attempt use this feature to create an object that would exceed this limit, you can choose to dismiss one of your older objects. If you do not, the attempt fails.

This feature cannot be used to create creatures or magic items. You also can't use it to create items that normally require a high degree of craftsmanship, such as jewelry, weapons, glass, or armor, unless you have proficiency with the type of artisan's tools used to craft such objects. Using any material created by this feature as a spell's material component causes that spell to fail.