
Immortal Discipline

You channel psionic power into your body, honing your reflexes and agility to an incredible degree. The world seems to slow down while you continue to move as normal.

Psychic Focus. While focused on this discipline, your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

Rapid Step (1–7 psi). As a bonus action, you increase your walking speed by 10 feet per psi point spent until the end of the current turn. If you have a climbing or swimming speed, this increase applies to that speed as well.

Agile Defense (2 psi). As a bonus action, you take the Dodge action.

Blur of Motion (2 psi). As an action, you cause yourself to be invisible during any of your movement during the current turn.

Surge of Speed (2 psi). As a bonus action, you gain two benefits until the end of the current turn: you don’t provoke opportunity attacks, and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Surge of Action (5 psi). As a bonus action, you can Dash or make one weapon attack.