Druidic Circle: Circle of the Sepulchre

A secret tradition known to very few, the Circle of the Sepulchre walks the world to find places steeped in the memory of death. These places are sources of power, but must be carefully managed, lest the darkness spill forth and overwhelm the surrounding lands. The Circle of the Sepulchre takes on this grave responsibility, and in turn awakens secrets of the Shadowfell inherent to the cursed land on which they tread.

Cloak of dusk

At 2nd level, you can draw the shadow of the grave over your location like a pall, concealing yourself and allies from prying eyes. As an action, a 20 foot radius around you becomes blanketed in dim light, which cannot be lifted by nonmagical means, nor pierced by darkvision. Whilst in this area, creatures are always considered to have something to hide behind for the purposes of making Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks, and have light cover from attacks originating outside the area.

Shadow Form

At 6th level, you can abandon your body to tread the world as a shadow. As an action, your shadow form leaves your body, and your physical form becomes paralysed.

Your shadow form is unable to take any actions except talking (using your voice and known languages), or instantly returning to your body as a full action. It is treated as a shadow for the purposes of determining physical statistics, and uses your mental statistics. If your shadow form is destroyed, or has not returned to your body by the next dawn, you die.

Whilst controlling your shadow form, you are unaware of what is happening to your physical body, with the exception of physical damage which faintly registers as pain to your shadow form (though not how much or what type).

You must finish a long rest before using this ability again.

Invidious Division

Beginning at 10th level, when you enter your Shadow Form you can split yourself into a number of shadows equal to half your proficiency bonus, rounded up. As long as a single shadow returns to your body by dawn, you remain alive.

Shadow Crossing

At 14th level, you can conduct a ritual to draw an area in the material plane into concordance with the Shadowfell, creating a Shadow Crossing. This ritual takes 1 hour to perform, in which you invoke forbidden magic and sacrifice something of great personal value. On completion of your ritual, a 1 mile radius area of land becomes tainted by the Shadowfell centered on your location, and an invisible doorway 10ft wide opens through which travel between the Material Plane and the Shadowfell is possible.

This ability can also be used to cross from the Shadowfell back to the Material plane. Once a Shadow Crossing has been created, it is permanent.