Druidic Circle: Circle of Dragons

Druids of the Circle of Dragons place dragons in a light nearing worship. For this, they are shunned by most other druids, which isn't really fair; dragons (of both metallic and chromatic forms) are a part of nature too, are they not? The magic that the druids of this circle practice revolves around the ability to transform oneself into a dragon form, which they do all too often; yet another reason that the common folk aren't very fond of them. Their magic can also be quite destructive, but they only use their power to protect the dragons they revere, or the sacred places where they believe Great Wyrms have passed on.

Combat Wild Shape

When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to use Wild Shape as a bonus action on your turn, rather than as an action.

Dragon Forms

The rites of your circle allow you to transform into more dangerous forms. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast or dragon with a challenge rating as high as 1 (you ignore the Max CR column of the Beast Shapes table, but must abide by the other limitations there). When you reach 6th level, you can use your Wild Shape to transform into a beast or dragon with a challenge rating as high as your level divided by 3, rounded down. (Remember you need to have seen a creature before you can transform into it.)

Game Notes

If dragons are not present in Azgaarnoth, how would a druid of this circle see one in order to be able to transform? Archdruids of this Circle make certain to transform in front of their junior colleagues so that they may see how to make the transformation, but even then, after centuries and generations of copies, druids are still able to do the transformation perfectly--which suggests that maybe a few of those archdruids were actually polymorphed dragons to begin with....

Mighty Strike

At 6th level, while you are transformed by Wild Shape, when you hit with a melee weapon attack, you can expend a spell slot to empower that attack. That attack deals an extra 1d8 force damage for every level of the spell slot expended, to a maximum of 5d8.

Dragon's Breath

When you reach 10th level, you learn the dragon's breath spell, which counts as a druid spell for you and doesn't count against the number of druid spells you know. Additionally, you can cast this spell (at 2nd level) once using this ability without expending a spell slot. Once you cast the spell in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.

Lingering Resistance

When you reach 14th level, you have to ability to retain the resistances of your alternate forms. When you revert back to your normal form after using Wild Shape, you retain all resistances of that form, which carry over to your normal form. If your Wild Shape had any immunities, you get resistance to those damage types to which it was immune. You retain these resistances until you use your Wild Shape again, or until the end of your next long rest.