Organizations of Azgaarnoth

Unlike some fantasy worlds, Azgaarnoth finds its politics and sources of power scattered across a variety of sources. Traditional power, held by the nobility and enforced by national armed might is present, but much of the power traditionally held by "the divine rights of kings" has long since been usurped by a variety of other entities: mage schools wield and teach arcane arts, mercenary companies provide martial might to anyone willing to cover their fees, merchant guilds provide tax revenue (but often resist additional taxation), even the bardic colleges have ways to resist nobility's more farcical whims by building popular sentiment against the nobility and forcing them to back down. Monastic orders exert subtle influence over areas of both geography and spirituality, and several independent groups (such as the Draconic Order or the Marshals) each maintain their own existence without requiring noble support (and therefore control). Lastly, no nobility ever cares to admit their inability to stamp out those who live "outside the law", but rogues' guilds always seem to find ways to remind them.

In short, any individual of Azgaarnoth finds influences from a dozen different directions at once, some working together, some at cross-purposes, and each with its own agenda in mind.

Noble Houses

Anywhere there is nobility based on familial connections, those connections will take on a degree of formality, and within Azgaarnoth these came be known as the "Great Houses". In much of Azgaarnoth, loyalty to House trumps loyalty to nation, and is cause for some of the weakness of the national governments across the world (with notable exception of Dradehalia, which may stem from the fact that the Dread Emperor claims no noble bloodline). The Great Houses often vie against one another in various intrigues (and, sometimes, open warfare) in what is called "The Great Game of Houses".

Mage schools

Many wizards, sorcerers, and other arcane users pool their talents and skills in order to maximize their studies at a collegic environment known as a mage school. These schools are often more organized than not, and most mage schools focus on a particular kind of arcana, or its application, or its expression. Hundreds of mage schools are found all over Azgaarnoth, including amongst the Hordes, and many have taken on characteristics of the land in which they are found; some of the mage schools found in Dradehalia, for example, are spoken of only in hushed whispers and only amongst close friends.

Mercenary companies

The frequent open conflict amongst the nations of Azgaarnoth, and the extensive training and logistical support required, led many individuals to create companies of mercenaries that carry out said actions on behalf of the various governments. Most companies are generally of several hundred troops in size, plus supporting elements, although some of the larger companies reach into the thousands. Most mercenaries operate according to a Mercenary's Code amongst themselves, and will frequently offer opposing mercenaries the benefit of the Code even against employers' orders. Mercenary companies are always looking for new recruits--regardless of skill level--and many times those seeking opportunities to create a new life have found it within the ranks of a merc company for some period of time.

Merchant guilds

Born originally out of the dwarvish clans as they fled to the surface as part of the Dwarven Exodus, merchant guilds have since emerged in their own right, bearing only slight resemblance to the clan structure that inspired them. Guilds can stretch in size from massive organizations that stretch across nations to one- and two-family operations that operate a single trade route or a single good. Merchant guilds often find themselves partnered closely with a Mercenary company or two, both for protection and as an economic investment, but several are also rumored to be in close partnership with one or more Mage schools, as well. Rumors of merchant guilds acting as mere fronts for Rogues' Guilds are, of course, denounced as jealousy or malicious gossip.

Bardic colleges

Over the countless years, bards and other entertainers have kept the populations of Azgaarnoth--on both sides of the Eldar/Horde wars--entertained, educated, and informed. It was only natural that, in time, bards would gravitate collectively together to establish formal places of education and training, and many of these "bardic colleges" have long and rich histories as a result. Some of these schools will train bards across several different traditions (that is to say, bard college), some have chosen to prefer to focus on one. Most bards can recognize others who attended the same school as they, and many's the lucky patron of a city tavern or village inn when two bards of the same college engage in spontaneous duet or competition.

Dueling Colleges

As wars wound down into embers rather than full-fledged bonfires, various mercenaries sought ways to test their skills against one another without all the cost involved. What emerged were a series of traditions--the duel--wherein different parties could try their martial skills against one another. Singly, pairs, groups, and all manner of permutations therein began to emerge, and with it a set of guidelines that formalized much of the context of the duels. Eventually these became full organizations, with standing structures, that came to be known as the "dueling colleges", and they thrive today, particularly as an entertainment venue for many of the citizens of cities large enough to support a dueling college.

Monastic orders

Scattered far and wide across the continent are numerous monastic orders, each pursuing goals known only to their members, but often in conjunction with other organizations. Some are tied to religious worship, while others are closely aligned with arcane or spiritual goals. While many are set in areas remote and apart from "civilization", some monastic orders are located deep in the heart of cities, and some are deeply intertwined with towns and villages in a symbiotic relationship.

Rogues' Guilds

With civilization comes those who prefer to find "easier" ways of making a living, and it doesn't take long before they figure out it often helps to work in tandem with others. Before long, a group of them gather, and new opportunities emerge. Some of these groups focus on providing goods and services to citizenry that lawful authorities would prefer not be sold; some of these groups look to convince citizens that payments help avoid accidents; some others still look to create those accidents to eliminate individuals who are presenting "difficulties" of one form or another. All are called Rogues' Guilds by the common populace, and while many are local to the city in which the members live, some span across provinces, nations, or even continents.

Militant Orders

Several organizations are primarily "militant" in nature, often with long histories stretching back for generations. While these are sometimes associated with a particular government or political body, sometimes they operate "above" or "beside" the secular authorities in order to pursue their particular agenda.

Cult of the Wyrm

A cross between a Rogues' Guild, a religion, and militant order, the Wyrmcult is a force that, like the Draconic Order, is closely aligned to dragons, but chromatic rather than metallic. Deep-seated enmity between the Cultists and the Draconic Order--stemming from both the enmity of metallic and chromatic dragons as well as their own history of thousands of years of battle--has driven the Cultists into hiding, but they are no less vicious (or, it is feared, numerous) than they were when operating out of the shadows.

Dwarven Courts-in-Exile

Also born of the dwarvish clans as they fled to the surface as part of the Dwarven Exodus, the Dwarven Courts are a fiercely-loyal quasi-political structure dedicated to the return of the dwarves to their ancient cities. Thanks to the clan ties through the Merchant Guilds, the odd Religious group, many marital ties to the Great Houses, as well as dwarven ties through other Militant Orders and Mercenary Companies, the Dwarven Courts are a powerful force to be reckoned with, despite the utter lack of any land or physical home to call their own.