- Aarakocra humanoid, CR 1/4
- Aasimar Protector humanoid, CR 1/2
- Aasimari: Aasimar Protector | Scourge Aasimar | Fallen Aasimar
- Aberrant Spirit aberration, CR —
- Aboleth aberration, CR 10
- Abominable Yeti monstrosity, CR 9
- Abomination undead, CR 5
- Achaierai fiend, CR 6
- Adult Kruthik monstrosity, CR 2
- Adult Lava Worm monstrosity, CR 20
- Adult Oblex Ooze, CR 5
- Air Elemental elemental, CR 5
- Air Elemental Myrmidon Elemental, CR 7
- Alchemical Homunculus construct, CR 0
- Alhoon undead, CR 10
- Allip undead, CR 5
- Ancient Chaos Beasts aberration, CR 11 (7,200 XP)
- Androsphinx monstrosity, CR 17
- Angry Sorrowsworn monstrosity, CR 13
- Animated Armor construct, CR 1
- Animated Objects: Animated Armor | Flying Sword | Rug of Smothering | Animated Table
- Animated Table Construct, CR 2
- Ankheg monstrosity, CR 2
- Annis Hag fey, CR 6
- Annulid Broodling aberration, CR 1/2 (100 XP)
- Annulid Gargantuan aberration, CR * The annulid can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
- Annulid Hierophant aberration, CR * The annulid can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
- Annulid Lich undead, CR 21
- Annulid Messiah aberration, CR 18 (20,000 XP)
- Annulids: Annulid Broodling | Annulid Gargantuan | Annulid Hierophant | Annulid Messiah | Cadaverous Annulid | Annulid Lich
- Ape beast, CR 1/2
- Aquatic Ghast undead, CR 2
- Aquatic Ghoul undead, CR 1
- Aquatic Troll giant, CR 5
- Arcanaloth fiend, CR 12
- Arcane Ooze ooze, CR 5
- Aurochs beast, CR 2
- Autumn Eladrin fey, CR 10
- Avariel: Winged Elf
- Avoral monstrosity, CR 11
- Awakened: Awakened Shrub | Awakened Tree
- Awakened Shrub plant, CR 0
- Awakened Tree plant, CR 2
- Axe Beak beast, CR 1/4
- Azer elemental, CR 2
- Baboon beast, CR 0
- Badger beast, CR 0
- Badgers: Badger | Giant Badger | Cave Badger
- Banderhobb monstrosity, CR 5
- Banshee undead, CR 4
- Barbed Guardian construct, CR 7
- Barghest fiend, CR 4
- Basilisk monstrosity, CR 3
- Bat beast, CR 0
- Bats: Bat | Giant Bat | Swarm of Bats | Withered Bat
- Bears: Black Bear | Brown Bear | Cave Bear | Greater Cave Bear | Polar Bear
- Beetles: Giant Fire Beetle | Swarm of Beetles
- Behir monstrosity, CR 11
- Beholder aberration, CR 13
- Beholderkin: Beholder | Death Tyrant | Spectator | Death Kiss | Gauth | Gazer
- Berbalang aberration, CR 2
- Bheur Hag fey, CR 7
- Black Bear beast, CR 1/2
- Black Pudding ooze, CR 4
- Black Slaad aberration, CR 29
- Bladebearer humanoid, CR 3
- Blights: Needle Blight | Twig Blight | Vine Blight
- Blink Dog fey, CR 1/4
- Blood Ghost Berserker humanoid, CR 3
- Blood Hawk beast, CR 1/8
- Blue Slaad aberration, CR 7
- Boar beast, CR 1/4
- Boars: Boar | Giant Boar
- Bodak undead, CR 6
- Bog Unicorn undead, CR 5
- Boggle fey, CR 1/8
- Bone Naga undead, CR 4
- Boneclaw undead, CR 12
- Bonedrinker undead, CR 3
- Bonedrinkers: Bonedrinker | Greater Bonedrinker | Lesser Bonedrinker
- Bright Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Brown Bear beast, CR 1
- Brown Slaad aberration, CR 10
- Bugbear humanoid, CR 1
- Bugbear Chief humanoid, CR 3
- Bugbears: Bugbear | Bugbear Chief | Blood Ghost Berserker
- Bulette monstrosity, CR 5
- Bullywug humanoid, CR 1/4
- Cadaverous Annulid aberration, CR 9 (5,000 XP)
- Cambion fiend, CR 5
- Canoloth fiend, CR 8
- Carrion Crawler monstrosity, CR 2
- Cat beast, CR 0
- Catoblepas monstrosity, CR 5
- Cats: Cat | Lion | Greater Lion | Panther | Saber-Toothed Tiger | Tiger | Greater Tiger
- Cattle: Cow | Aurochs | Deep Rothe | Ox | Stench Kow
- Cave Badger beast, CR 1/4
- Cave Bear beast, CR 2
- Cave Fisher monstrosity, CR 3
- Cave Troll giant, CR 12
- Celestial Spirit celestial, CR —
- Centaur monstrosity, CR 2
- Centipedes: Carrion Crawler | Giant Centipede | Swarm of Centipedes
- Cerdeval monstrosity, CR 6
- Chaos Beast aberration, CR 6 (1,800 XP)
- Chaos Beasts: Chaos Beast | Ancient Chaos Beasts
- Chaos Spawn:
- Charm Devourer aberration, CR 2
- Chimera monstrosity, CR 6
- Chitine monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Chitines: Chitine | Choldrith
- Choker aberration, CR 1
- Choldrith monstrosity, CR 3
- Chuul aberration, CR 4
- Cinder Hag fey, CR
- Clay Golem construct, CR 9 (5,000 XP)
- Cloaker aberration, CR 8
- Clockwork Bronze Scout Construct, CR 1
- Clockwork Iron Cobra Construct, CR 4
- Clockwork Oaken Bolter Construct, CR 5
- Clockwork Stone Defender Construct, CR 4
- Clockworks: Clockwork Bronze Scout | Clockwork Iron Cobra | Clockwork Oaken Bolter | Clockwork Stone Defender
- Cockatrice monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Constrictor Snake beast, CR 1/4
- Construct Spirit construct, CR —
- Corpse Flower plant, CR 8
- Couatl celestial, CR 4
- Cow beast, CR 1/4
- Crab beast, CR 0
- Crabs: Crab | Giant Crab
- Cranium Rat aberration, CR 0
- Cranium Rats: Cranium Rat | Swarm of Cranium Rats
- Crawling Claw undead, CR 0
- Crimson Hag fey, CR 4
- Crocodile beast, CR 1/2
- Crocodiles: Crocodile | Giant Crocodile
- Cyan Slaad aberration, CR 10
- Cyclops giant, CR 6
- Dao elemental, CR 11
- Darkling fey, CR 1/2
- Darkling Elder fey, CR 2
- Darklings: Darkling | Darkling Elder
- Darkmantle monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Death Dog monstrosity, CR 1
- Death Hag fiend, CR 11
- Death Kiss aberration, CR 10
- Death Knight undead, CR 17
- Death Slaad aberration, CR 10
- Death Tyrant undead, CR 14
- Deathlock undead, CR 4
- Deathlock Mastermind undead, CR 8
- Deathlock Wight undead, CR 3
- Deathlocks: Deathlock | Deathlock Mastermind | Deathlock Wight
- Deep Gnome humanoid, CR 1/2
- Deep Rothe beast, CR 1/4
- Deep Scion monstrosity, CR 3
- Deer: Deer | Elk | Giant Elk
- Deer beast, CR 0
- Demilich undead, CR 18
- Demizen Wraith undead, CR 10
- Derro: Derro | Derro Savant
- Derro aberration, CR 1/4
- Derro Savant aberration, CR 3
- Desert Hag fey, CR 0
- Devastator fey, CR 4
- Devourer undead, CR 13
- Devourers: Charm Devourer | Intellect Devourer | Will Devourer
- Dhergoloth fiend, CR 7
- Digester monstrosity, CR 7
- Dire Troll Giant, CR 13
- Dire Wolf beast, CR 1
- Displacer Beast monstrosity, CR 3
- Djinni elemental, CR 11
- Dog beast, CR 0
- Dogs: Blink Dog | Death Dog | Dog | Giant Hyena | Hell Hound | Hyena | Jackal | Mastiff | Withered Hound | Shadow Mastiff | Yeth Hound
- Dolphin beast, CR 1/8
- Dolphin Delighter fey, CR 3
- Dolphins: Dolphin | Dolphin Delighter
- Doom Fist Monk humanoid, CR 2
- Doom Hand Cleric hobgoblin, CR 2
- Doppelganger monstrosity, CR 3
- Draconic Spirit Dragon, CR —
- Draft Horse beast, CR 1/4
- Dragonborn humanoid, CR 1/4
- Draugr: Draugr | Draugr Lord | Draugr King
- Draugr undead, CR 2
- Draugr King undead, CR 7
- Draugr Lord undead, CR 7
- Dread Wraith undead, CR 8
- Drider monstrosity, CR 6
- Drow: Drow | Drow Elite Warrior | Drow Mage | Drow Priestess of Lolth | Drow Arachnomancer | Drow Favored Consort | Drow House Captain | Drow Inquisitor | Drow Matron Mother | Drow Rebellious Matron | Drow Shadowblade
- Drow humanoid, CR 1/4
- Drow Arachnomancer humanoid, CR 13
- Drow Elite Warrior humanoid, CR 5
- Drow Favored Consort humanoid, CR 18
- Drow House Captain humanoid, CR 9
- Drow Inquisitor humanoid, CR 14
- Drow Mage humanoid, CR 7
- Drow Matron Mother humanoid, CR 20
- Drow Priestess of Lolth humanoid, CR 8
- Drow Rebellious Matron humanoid, CR 20
- Drow Shadowblade humanoid, CR 11
- Dryad fey, CR 1
- Duergar: Duergar | Duergar Despot | Duergar Kavalrachni | Duergar Mind Master | Duergar Soulblade | Duergar Stone Guard | Duergar Warlord | Duergar Xarrorn
- Duergar humanoid, CR 1
- Duergar Constructs: Duergar Hammerer | Duergar Screamer
- Duergar Despot humanoid, CR
- Duergar Hammerer Construct, CR 2
- Duergar Kavalrachni humanoid, CR
- Duergar Mind Master humanoid, CR
- Duergar Screamer Construct, CR 3
- Duergar Soulblade humanoid, CR
- Duergar Stone Guard humanoid, CR
- Duergar Warlord humanoid, CR
- Duergar Xarrorn humanoid, CR
- Dust Mephit elemental, CR
- Dwarves: Hill Dwarf | Hill Dwarf Merchant Guild Master | Mountain Dwarf | Mountain Dwarf Clan Lord-in-Exile
- Eagle beast, CR 0
- Earth Elemental elemental, CR 5
- Earth Elemental Myrmidon Elemental, CR 7
- Efreeti elemental, CR 11
- Eidolon: Eidolon Spirit | Sacred Statue
- Eidolon Spirit undead, CR 12
- Eladrin: Autumn Eladrin | Spring Eladrin | Summer Eladrin | Winter Eladrin
- Elder Brain aberration, CR 14
- Elder Oblex Ooze, CR 10
- Elder Tempest Elemental, CR 23
- Eldritch Hag aberration, CR 9
- Elemental Myrmidons: Air Elemental Myrmidon | Earth Elemental Myrmidon | Fire Elemental Myrmidon | Water Elemental Myrmidon
- Elemental Servants: Galeb Duhr | Invisible Stalker | Magmin | Sand Assassin | Water Weird
- Elemental Spirit elemental, CR —
- Elementals: Air Elemental | Earth Elemental | Fire Elemental | Ice Elemental | Magma Elemental | Water Elemental
- Elephants: Mammoth
- Elk beast, CR 1/4
- Elves: Bright Elf | High Elf | Wood Elf | Wild Elf | Tiri-Kitor Hunter
- Empyrean celestial,, CR 23
- Equinal monstrosity, CR 9
- Ettercap monstrosity, CR 2
- Ettin giant, CR 4
- Faerie Dragon dragon, CR 1
- Fallen: Fallen Priest | Fallen Shadow | Fallen Knight | Fallen of Solemnity | Fallen of Spell | Fallen of Might | Death Knight
- Fallen Aasimar humanoid, CR 1/2
- Fallen Knight undead, CR 3
- Fallen Priest undead, CR 3
- Fallen Shadow undead, CR 3
- Fallen of Might undead, CR 3
- Fallen of Solemnity undead, CR 3
- Fallen of Spell undead, CR 3
- Female Steeder monstrosity, CR 1
- Fiendish Spirit fiend, CR —
- Fire Elemental elemental, CR 5
- Fire Elemental Myrmidon Elemental, CR 7
- Fire Snake elemental, CR 1
- Firenewt Warlock of Imix Elemental, CR 1
- Firenewt Warrior Elemental, CR 1/2
- Firenewts: Firenewt Warlock of Imix | Firenewt Warrior
- Flail Snail Elemental, CR 3
- Flameskull undead, CR 4
- Flesh Golem construct, CR 5
- Flind fiend, CR 9
- Flumph aberration, CR 1/8
- Flying Snake beast, CR 1/8
- Flying Sword construct, CR 1/4
- Fomorian giant, CR 8
- Forest Gnome humanoid, CR 1/2
- Forest Troll giant, CR 10
- Frog beast, CR 0
- Froghemoth monstrosity, CR 10
- Frogs: Frog | Giant Frog | Giant Ice Toad | Giant Toad | Froghemoth
- Frost Salamander Elemental, CR 9
- Fungi: Gas Spore | Shrieker | Violet Fungus
- Galeb Duhr elemental, CR 6
- Gargoyle elemental, CR 2
- Gas Spore plant, CR 1/2
- Gauth aberration, CR 6
- Gazer aberration, CR 1/2
- Gelatinous Cube ooze, CR 2
- Genies: Dao | Djinni | Efreeti | Marid
- Ghast undead, CR 2
- Ghost undead, CR 4
- Ghoul undead, CR 1
- Ghouls: Ghoul | Aquatic Ghoul | Ghast | Aquatic Ghast
- Giant Ape beast, CR 7
- Giant Badger beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Bat beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Boar beast, CR 2
- Giant Centipede beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Constrictor Snake beast, CR 2
- Giant Crab beast, CR 1/8
- Giant Crocodile beast, CR 5
- Giant Eagle beast, CR 1
- Giant Elk beast, CR 2
- Giant Fire Beetle beast, CR 0
- Giant Frog beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Goat beast, CR 1/2
- Giant Hyena beast, CR 1
- Giant Ice Toad beast, CR 2
- Giant Lizard beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Octopus beast, CR 1
- Giant Owl beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Poisonous Snake beast, CR 1/4
- Giant Rat beast, CR 1/8
- Giant Scorpion beast, CR 3
- Giant Sea Horse beast, CR 1/2
- Giant Shark beast, CR 5
- Giant Snapping Turtle beast, CR 3
- Giant Spider beast, CR 1
- Giant Strider Elemental, CR 1
- Giant Toad beast, CR 1
- Giant Vulture beast, CR 1
- Giant Wasp beast, CR 1/2
- Giant Weasel beast, CR 1/8
- Giant Wolf Spider beast, CR 1/4
- Gibbering Mouther aberration, CR 2
- Girallon monstrosity, CR 4
- Githyanki: Githyanki Warrior | Githyanki Knight | Githyanki Gish | Githyanki Kith'rak | Githyanki General
- Githyanki General humanoid, CR 14
- Githyanki Gish humanoid, CR 10
- Githyanki Kith'rak humanoid, CR 12
- Githyanki Knight humanoid, CR 8
- Githyanki Warrior humanoid, CR 3
- Githzerai: Githzerai Monk | Githzerai Zerth | Githzerai Anarch | Githzerai Enlightened
- Githzerai Anarch humanoid, CR 16
- Githzerai Enlightened humanoid, CR 10
- Githzerai Monk humanoid, CR 2
- Githzerai Zerth humanoid, CR 6
- Gloom Weaver humanoid, CR 9
- Gnoll humanoid, CR 1/2
- Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu fiend, CR 4
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer monstrosity, CR 1
- Gnoll Headhunter humanoid, CR
- Gnoll Hunt Master humanoid, CR 6
- Gnoll Hunter monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Gnoll Pack Lord humanoid, CR 2
- Gnoll Witherling undead, CR 1/4
- Gnolls: Gnoll | Gnoll Pack Lord | Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu | Flind | Gnoll Flesh Gnawer | Gnoll Hunter | Gnoll Witherling | Gnoll Headhunter | Gnoll Hunt Master
- Gnomes: Rock Gnome | Forest Gnome | Deep Gnome
- Goat beast, CR 0
- Goats: Giant Goat | Goat
- Goblin humanoid, CR 1/4
- Goblin Bodyguard humanoid, CR 1
- Goblin Boss humanoid, CR 1
- Goblin Elite Warrior humanoid, CR 2
- Goblin King humanoid, CR 2
- Goblin Veteran humanoid, CR 1/4
- Goblin Warrior humanoid, CR 1/4
- Goblin Worg Rider humanoid, CR 1
- Goblins: Goblin | Goblin Warrior | Goblin Veteran | Goblin Boss | Goblin Bodyguard | Goblin King | Goblin Worg Rider | Goblin Elite Warrior | Nilbog
- Golems: Clay Golem | Flesh Golem | Iron Golem | Stone Golem
- Gorgon monstrosity, CR 5
- Gray Ooze ooze, CR 1/2
- Gray Render monstrosity, CR 12
- Gray Slaad aberration, CR 9
- Greater Bonedrinker undead, CR 3
- Greater Cave Bear beast, CR 6
- Greater Eagle beast, CR
- Greater Giant Eagle beast, CR 4
- Greater Giant Lizard beast, CR 3
- Greater Hawk beast, CR
- Greater Lion beast, CR 5
- Greater Rhinoceros beast, CR 6
- Greater Tiger beast, CR 5
- Greater Wight undead, CR 5
- Greater Wolf beast, CR
- Green Hag fey, CR 3
- Green Slaad aberration, CR 8
- Grell aberration, CR 3
- Grick monstrosity, CR 2
- Grick Alpha monstrosity, CR 7
- Gricks: Grick | Grick Alpha
- Griffon monstrosity, CR 2
- Grimflame elemental, CR 5
- Grimlock humanoid, CR 1/4
- Grung humanoid, CR 1/4
- Grung Elite Warrior humanoid, CR 2
- Grung Wildling humanoid, CR 1
- Grungs: Grung | Grung Elite Warrior | Grung Wildling
- Guardian Naga monstrosity, CR 10
- Guardians: Shield Guardian | Barbed Guardian
- Guardinals: Avoral | Cerdeval | Equinal | Leonal | Lupinal | Musteval | Ursinal
- Gynosphinx monstrosity, CR 11
- Hags: Annis Hag | Bheur Hag | Cinder Hag | Crimson Hag | Death Hag | Desert Hag | Eldritch Hag | Green Hag | Howling Hag | Sea Hag | Storm Hag | Troll Hag | Withering Hag | Grimflame
- Half-Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Half-Elf Druid humanoid, CR 2
- Half-Illithids:
- Half-Ogre giant, CR 1
- Half-Orc humanoid, CR 0
- Harpy monstrosity, CR 1
- Hawk beast, CR 0
- Hell Hound fiend, CR 3
- Helmed Horror construct, CR 4
- Hexwraith undead, CR 5
- Hieracosphinx monstrosity, CR 7
- High Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Hill Dwarf humanoid, CR 0
- Hill Dwarf Merchant Guild Master humanoid, CR 0
- Hippogriff monstrosity, CR 1
- Hobgoblin humanoid, CR 1/2
- Hobgoblin Captain humanoid, CR 3
- Hobgoblin General humanoid, CR 9
- Hobgoblin Sargeant humanoid, CR 3
- Hobgoblin Veteran humanoid, CR 1
- Hobgoblin Warlord humanoid, CR 6
- Hobgoblin Warrior humanoid, CR 1/2
- Hobgoblins: Hobgoblin | Hobgoblin Warrior | Hobgoblin Veteran | Hobgoblin Sargeant | Hobgoblin Captain | Hobgoblin Warlord | Bladebearer | Devastator | Iron Shadow | Kulkor Zhul War Adept | Kulkor Zhul Mindbender | Doom Hand Cleric | Doom Fist Monk | Hobgoblin General
- Homunculi: Homunculus | Alchemical Homunculus
- Homunculus construct, CR 0
- Hook Horror monstrosity, CR 3
- Horses: Draft Horse | Mule | Pony | Riding Horse | Warhorse
- Hound of Ill Omen beast, CR 1
- Howler fiend, CR 8
- Howling Hag fey, CR
- Huge Gray Ooze ooze, CR 8
- Human humanoid, CR 0
- Human Veteran humanoid, CR 3
- Humans: Human | Human Veteran | Half-Elf | Half-Elf Druid | Half-Orc
- Hungry Sorrowsworn monstrosity, CR 11
- Hunter Shark beast, CR 2
- Hydra monstrosity, CR 8
- Hydroloth fiend, CR 9
- Hyena beast, CR 0
- Ice Elemental elemental, CR
- Ice Mephit elemental, CR
- Ice Spirit elemental, CR —
- Illithilich undead, CR 22
- Indigo Slaad aberration, CR 10
- Intellect Devourer aberration, CR 2
- Invisible Stalker elemental, CR 6
- Iron Golem construct, CR 16
- Iron Shadow fey, CR 2
- Jackal beast, CR 0
- Jackalwere humanoid, CR 1/2
- Kenku: Kenku Commoner | Kenku Master | Kenku Kensei
- Kenku Commoner humanoid, CR 1/4
- Kenku Kensei humanoid, CR 3
- Kenku Master humanoid, CR 1/4
- Ki-rin Celestial, CR 12
- Killer Whale beast, CR 3
- Kobold humanoid, CR 1/8
- Kobold Dragonshield Dragon, CR 1
- Kobold Inventor humanoid, CR 1/4
- Kobold Scale Sorcerer humanoid, CR 1
- Kobold Shaman humanoid, CR 2
- Kobold Warrior humanoid, CR 1/2
- Kobolds: Kobold | Kobold Warrior | Kobold Shaman | Kobold Dragonshield | Kobold Inventor | Kobold Scale Sorcerer | Winged Kobold
- Korred fey, CR 7
- Kraken monstrosity, CR 23
- Kraken Priest monstrosity, CR 5
- Kraul: Kraul Warrior | Winged Kraul Warrior | Kraul Death Priest
- Kraul Death Priest Humanoid, CR
- Kraul Warrior Humanoid, CR
- Kruthik Hive Lord monstrosity, CR 5
- Kruthiks: Young Kruthik | Adult Kruthik | Kruthik Hive Lord
- Kulkor Zhul Mindbender humanoid, CR 3
- Kulkor Zhul War Adept humanoid, CR 3
- Kuo-Toa humanoid, CR 1/4
- Kuo-toa: Kuo-Toa | Kuo-toa Archpriest | Kuo-toa Monitor | Kuo-toa Whip
- Kuo-toa Archpriest humanoid, CR 6
- Kuo-toa Monitor humanoid, CR 3
- Kuo-toa Whip humanoid, CR 1
- Lamia monstrosity, CR 4
- Large Psychic Gray Ooze ooze, CR 2
- Leonal monstrosity, CR 16
- Lesser Bonedrinker undead, CR 3
- Leucrotta monstrosity, CR 3
- Lich undead, CR 21
- Lion beast, CR 1
- Lizard beast, CR 0
- Lizardfolk: Lizardfolk | Lizardfolk Hunter | Lizardfolk Warrior | Lizardfolk Shaman | Lizardfolk King/Queen
- Lizardfolk humanoid, CR 1/4
- Lizardfolk Hunter humanoid, CR 1/2
- Lizardfolk King/Queen humanoid, CR 4
- Lizardfolk Shaman humanoid, CR 2
- Lizardfolk Warrior humanoid, CR 2
- Lizards: Lizard | Giant Lizard | Greater Giant Lizard
- Lonely Sorrowsworn monstrosity, CR 9
- Lost Sorrowsworn monstrosity, CR 7
- Lupinal monstrosity, CR 9
- Lycanthropes: Wereape | Werebear | Wereboar | Werecobra | Wereagle | Weregator | Werekraken | Wereowl | Wererat | Wereshark | Werespider | Weretiger | Wereturtle | Werewolf
- Maerach: Sea Elf Commoner
- Magen construct, CR
- Magma Elemental elemental, CR 13
- Magma Mephit elemental, CR
- Magmin elemental, CR
- Male Steeder monstrosity, CR 1/4
- Mammoth beast, CR 6
- Manticore monstrosity, CR 3
- Marid elemental, CR 11
- Mastiff beast, CR 1/8
- Maurezhi fiend, CR 7
- Meazel monstrosity, CR 1
- Medusa monstrosity, CR 6
- Meenlock fey, CR 2
- Mephits: Dust Mephit | Ice Mephit | Magma Mephit | Mud Mephit | Smoke Mephit | Steam Mephit
- Merfolk humanoid, CR 1/8
- Merrenoloth fiend, CR 3
- Merrow monstrosity, CR 2
- Mezzoloth fiend, CR 5
- Mimic monstrosity, CR 2
- Mind Flayer aberration, CR 7
- Mind Flayer Arcanist aberration, CR 8
- Mind Flayer Infiltrator aberration, CR 10
- Mind Flayers: Mind Flayer | Mind Flayer Arcanist | Mind Flayer Infiltrator | Illithilich | Alhoon | Elder Brain | Ulitharid | Mindwitness | Neothelid
- Mindwitness aberration, CR 5
- Minotaur monstrosity, CR 3
- Minotaur Skeleton undead, CR 2
- Molten Ooze ooze, CR 7
- Morkoth aberration, CR 11
- Mountain Dwarf humanoid, CR 0
- Mountain Dwarf Clan Lord-in-Exile humanoid, CR
- Mountain Troll giant, CR 15
- Mud Mephit elemental, CR nce.*** While the mephit remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary mound of mud.
- Mule beast, CR 1/8
- Mummies: Mummy | Mummy Lord
- Mummy undead, CR 3
- Mummy Lord undead, CR 15
- Musteval monstrosity, CR 4
- Myconid Adult plant, CR 1/2
- Myconid Sovereign plant, CR 2
- Myconid Sprout plant, CR 0
- Myconids: Myconid Sprout | Myconid Adult | Myconid Sovereign
- Nagas: Bone Naga | Guardian Naga | Spirit Naga
- Nagpa monstrosity, CR 17
- Needle Blight plant, CR 1/4
- Neogi: Neogi Hatchling | Neogi | Neogi Master
- Neogi aberration, CR 3
- Neogi Hatchling aberration, CR 1/8
- Neogi Master aberration, CR 4
- Neothelid aberration, CR 13
- Nightmare fiend, CR 3
- Nightstriker Serpent monstrosity, CR 5
- Nilbog fey, CR 1
- Nothic aberration, CR 2
- Nycaloth fiend, CR 9
- Oblex Spawn Ooze, CR 1/4
- Oblexes: Oblex Spawn | Adult Oblex | Elder Oblex
- Ochre Jelly ooze, CR 2
- Octopi: Giant Octopus | Octopus
- Octopus beast, CR 0
- Ogre giant, CR 2
- Ogre Battering Ram Giant, CR 4
- Ogre Bolt Launcher Giant, CR 2
- Ogre Chain Brute Giant, CR 3
- Ogre Howdah Giant, CR 2
- Ogre Mage giant, CR 6
- Ogres: Ogre | Ogre Battering Ram | Ogre Bolt Launcher | Ogre Chain Brute | Ogre Howdah | Half-Ogre | Oni | Ogre Mage
- Oinoloth fiend, CR 12
- Oni giant, CR 7
- Ooze Spirit ooze, CR —
- Oozes: Gray Ooze | Huge Gray Ooze | Ochre Jelly | Psychic Gray Ooze | Large Psychic Gray Ooze | Molten Ooze | Winter Ooze | Arcane Ooze
- Orange Slaad aberration, CR 10
- Orc humanoid, CR 1/2
- Orc Blade of Ilneval humanoid, CR 4
- Orc Champion humanoid, CR 3
- Orc Claw of Luthic humanoid, CR 2
- Orc Conqueror humanoid, CR 7
- Orc Eye of Gruumsh humanoid, CR 2
- Orc Hand of Yurtrus humanoid, CR 2
- Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus humanoid, CR 1/2
- Orc Red Fang of Shargaas humanoid, CR 3
- Orc War Chief humanoid, CR 4
- Orcs: Orc | Orc Champion | Orc Conqueror | Orc War Chief | Orc Eye of Gruumsh | Orog | Orc Blade of Ilneval | Orc Claw of Luthic | Orc Hand of Yurtrus | Orc Nurtured One of Yurtrus | Orc Red Fang of Shargaas | Tanarukk
- Orog humanoid, CR 2
- Otyugh aberration, CR 5
- Owl beast, CR 0
- Owlbear monstrosity, CR 3
- Ox beast, CR 1/4
- Panther beast, CR 1/4
- Pegasus celestial, CR 2
- Peryton monstrosity, CR 2
- Phase Spider monstrosity, CR 3
- Piercer monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Pixie fey, CR 1/4
- Poisonous Snake beast, CR 1/8
- Polar Bear beast, CR 2
- Poltergeist undead, CR 2
- Pony beast, CR 1/8
- Pseudodragon dragon, CR 1/4
- Psychic Gray Ooze ooze, CR 1/2
- Psychic Zombie undead, CR 6
- Puddings: Black Pudding | White Pudding
- Purple Worm monstrosity, CR 15
- Quaggoth: Quaggoth | Quaggoth Thonot
- Quaggoth humanoid, CR 2
- Quaggoth Thonot humanoid, CR 3
- Quickling fey, CR 1
- Quipper beast, CR 0
- Quippers: Quipper | Swarm of Quippers
- Rakshasa fiend, CR 13
- Raptors: Eagle | Greater Eagle | Giant Eagle | Greater Giant Eagle | Hawk | Greater Hawk | Blood Hawk | Owl | Giant Owl | Raven | Swarm of Ravens | Roc | Vulture | Giant Vulture
- Rat beast, CR 0
- Rats: Rat | Swarm of Rats | Giant Rat | Withered Rat
- Raven beast, CR 0
- Reaper Spirit undead, CR —
- Red Slaad aberration, CR 5
- Redcap fey, CR 3
- Reef Shark beast, CR 1/2
- Remorhaz monstrosity, CR 11
- Remorhazes: Remorhaz | Young Remorhaz
- Revenant undead, CR 5
- Rhinoceros beast, CR 2
- Rhinoceroses: Rhinoceros | Greater Rhinoceros
- Riding Horse beast, CR 1/4
- River Troll giant, CR 6
- Roc monstrosity, CR 11
- Rock Gnome humanoid, CR 1/2
- Roper monstrosity, CR 5
- Rot Troll Giant, CR 9
- Rug of Smothering construct, CR 2
- Rust Monster monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Saber-Toothed Tiger beast, CR 2
- Sacred Statue Construct, CR 0
- Sahuagin: Sahuagin | Sahuagin Raider | Sahuagin Priestess | Sahuagin Baron
- Sahuagin humanoid, CR 1/2
- Sahuagin Baron humanoid, CR 5
- Sahuagin Priestess humanoid, CR 2
- Sahuagin Raider humanoid, CR Common, Sahuagin, Aquan
- Salamander elemental, CR 5
- Salamanders: Fire Snake | Salamander | Frost Salamander
- Sand Assassin elemental, CR 9
- Satyr fey, CR 1/2
- Scarecrow construct, CR 1
- Scorpions: Giant Scorpion
- Scourge Aasimar humanoid, CR 1/2
- Sea Elf Commoner humanoid, CR 0
- Sea Hag fey, CR 2
- Sea Horse beast, CR 0
- Sea Horses: Sea Horse | Giant Sea Horse
- Sea Spawn monstrosity, CR 1
- Shadar-kai: Gloom Weaver | Shadow Dancer | Soul Monger
- Shadow undead, CR 1/2
- Shadow Dancer humanoid, CR 7
- Shadow Mastiff monstrosity, CR 2
- Shadow Spirit monstrosity, CR —
- Shambling Mound plant, CR 5
- Sharks: Giant Shark | Hunter Shark | Reef Shark
- Shield Guardian construct, CR 7
- Shrieker plant, CR 0
- Simians: Ape | Baboon | Giant Ape | Girallon
- Skeleton undead, CR 1/4
- Skeletons: Skeleton | Minotaur Skeleton | Warhorse Skeleton
- Skull Lord undead, CR 15
- Slaad Tadpole aberration, CR 1/8
- Slaadi: Slaad Tadpole | Red Slaad | Blue Slaad | Green Slaad | Brown Slaad | Cyan Slaad | Indigo Slaad | Orange Slaad | Gray Slaad | Death Slaad | White Slaad | Black Slaad
- Slithering Tracker ooze, CR 3
- Smoke Mephit elemental, CR asting (1/Day).*** The mephit can innately cast dancing lights, requiring no material components. Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma.
- Snakes: Constrictor Snake | Flying Snake | Giant Constrictor Snake | Giant Poisonous Snake | Nightstriker Serpent | Poisonous Snake | Swarm Of Poisonous Snakes
- Sorrowsworn: Angry Sorrowsworn | Hungry Sorrowsworn | Lonely Sorrowsworn | Lost Sorrowsworn | Wretched Sorrowsworn
- Soul Monger humanoid, CR 11
- Spawn of Kyuss undead, CR 5
- Spectator aberration, CR 3
- Specter undead, CR 1
- Sphinxes: Androsphinx | Gynosphinx | Hieracosphinx
- Spider beast, CR 0
- Spiders: Spider | Giant Spider | Giant Wolf Spider | Phase Spider | Swarm of Spiders
- Spirit Naga monstrosity, CR 8
- Spirit Troll Giant, CR 11
- Spirits: Aberrant Spirit | Celestial Spirit | Construct Spirit | Draconic Spirit | Elemental Spirit | Fiendish Spirit | Ice Spirit | Ooze Spirit | Reaper Spirit | Shadow Spirit | Warrior Spirit | Wildfire Spirit
- Spring Eladrin fey, CR 10
- Sprite fey, CR 1/4
- Star Spawn: Star Spawn Grue | Star Spawn Hulk | Star Spawn Larva Mage | Star Spawn Mangler | Star Spawn Seer
- Star Spawn Grue aberration, CR 1/4
- Star Spawn Hulk aberration, CR 10
- Star Spawn Larva Mage aberration, CR 16
- Star Spawn Mangler aberration, CR 5
- Star Spawn Seer aberration, CR 13
- Steam Mephit elemental, CR
- Steeders: Female Steeder | Male Steeder
- Stench Kow fiend, CR 1/2
- Stirge beast, CR 1/8
- Stone Cursed Construct, CR 1
- Stone Golem construct, CR 10
- Stone Troll giant, CR 6
- Storm Hag fey, CR 10
- Succubus fiend, CR 4
- Summer Eladrin fey, CR 10
- Sunken Sailor undead, CR
- Swarm Of Poisonous Snakes swarm, CR 2
- Swarm of Bats swarm, CR 1/4
- Swarm of Beetles swarm, CR 1/2
- Swarm of Centipedes swarm, CR 1/2
- Swarm of Cranium Rats Swarm, CR 5
- Swarm of Quippers swarm, CR 1
- Swarm of Rats swarm, CR 1/4
- Swarm of Ravens swarm, CR 1/4
- Swarm of Rot Grubs swarm, CR 1/2
- Swarm of Spiders swarm, CR 1/2
- Swarm of Wasps swarm, CR 1/2
- Sword Wraith Commander undead, CR 8
- Sword Wraith Warrior undead, CR 3
- Tabaxi: Tabaxi Minstrel | Tabaxi Hunter
- Tabaxi Hunter humanoid, CR
- Tabaxi Minstrel humanoid, CR
- Tanarukk fiend, CR 5
- Thorny Vegepygmy plant, CR 1
- Thri-Kreen Hive Warrior humanoid, CR 2
- Thri-kreen: Thri-kreen | Thri-Kreen Hive Warrior | Thri-kreen Psionicist
- Thri-kreen humanoid, CR 1
- Thri-kreen Psionicist humanoid, CR 2
- Tiger beast, CR 1
- Tiri-Kitor Hunter humanoid, CR 1/2
- Tlincalli monstrosity, CR 5
- Tortle humanoid, CR 1/4
- Tortle Druid humanoid, CR 2
- Tortles: Tortle | Tortle Druid
- Trapper monstrosity, CR 3
- Treant plant, CR 9
- Troglodyte humanoid, CR 1/4
- Troll giant, CR 5
- Troll Hag Giant, CR
- Troll Shaman giant, CR 7
- Trolls: Troll | Aquatic Troll | Cave Troll | Dire Troll | Forest Troll | Mountain Troll | River Troll | Rot Troll | Spirit Troll | Stone Troll | Venom Troll | Troll Shaman
- Turtles: Giant Snapping Turtle
- Twig Blight plant, CR 1/8
- Ulitharid aberration, CR 9
- Ultroloth fiend, CR 13
- Umber Hulk monstrosity, CR 5
- Undead Mounts: Bog Unicorn
- Unicorn celestial, CR 5
- Ursinal monstrosity, CR 12
- Vampire undead, CR 13
- Vampire Spawn undead, CR 5
- Vampire Spellcaster undead, CR 15
- Vampire Warrior undead, CR 15
- Vampires: Vampire Spawn | Vampire | Vampire Warrior | Vampire Spellcaster | Vampiric Mist
- Vampiric Mist undead, CR 3
- Vargouille fiend, CR 1
- Vegepygmies: Vegepygmy | Vegepygmy Chief | Thorny Vegepygmy
- Vegepygmy plant, CR 1/4
- Vegepygmy Chief plant, CR 2
- Venom Troll Giant, CR 7
- Vine Blight plant, CR 1/2
- Violet Fungus plant, CR 1/4
- Void Wraith undead, CR 15
- Vulture beast, CR 0
- Warhorse beast, CR 1/2
- Warhorse Skeleton undead, CR 1/2
- Warrior Spirit undead, CR —
- Wasps: Giant Wasp | Swarm of Wasps
- Water Elemental elemental, CR
- Water Elemental Myrmidon Elemental, CR 7
- Water Weird elemental, CR 3
- Weasel beast, CR 0
- Weasels: Weasel | Giant Weasel
- Wereagle humanoid, CR 2
- Wereape humanoid, CR 7
- Werebear humanoid, CR 5
- Wereboar humanoid, CR 4
- Werecobra humanoid, CR 5
- Weregator humanoid, CR 8
- Werekraken humanoid, CR 3
- Wereowl humanoid, CR 4
- Wererat humanoid, CR 2
- Wereshark humanoid, CR 6
- Werespider humanoid, CR 4
- Weretiger humanoid, CR 4
- Wereturtle humanoid, CR 2
- Werewolf humanoid, CR 3
- Whales: Killer Whale
- White Pudding ooze, CR 6
- White Slaad aberration, CR 21
- Wight undead, CR 3
- Wight King undead, CR 9
- Wights: Wight | Greater Wight | Wight King
- Wild Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Wildfire Spirit elemental, CR --
- Will Devourer aberration, CR 2
- Will-O'-Wisp undead, CR 2
- Winged Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Winged Kobold humanoid, CR 1/4
- Winged Kraul Warrior Humanoid, CR
- Winter Eladrin fey, CR 10
- Winter Ooze ooze, CR 7
- Winter Wolf monstrosity, CR 3
- Withered Bat undead, CR 1/2
- Withered Hound beast, CR 1/8
- Withered Rat undead, CR 1/2
- Withering Hag **, CR 1
- Wolf beast, CR 1/4
- Wolves: Wolf | Greater Wolf | Dire Wolf | Winter Wolf | Worg | Hound of Ill Omen
- Wood Elf humanoid, CR 0
- Wood Woad plant, CR 5
- Worg monstrosity, CR 1/2
- Worms: Purple Worm | Adult Lava Worm | Young Lava Worm | Swarm of Rot Grubs | Spawn of Kyuss
- Wraith undead, CR 5
- Wraiths: Wraith | Dread Wraith | Demizen Wraith | Sword Wraith Warrior | Sword Wraith Commander | Void Wraith
- Wretched Sorrowsworn monstrosity, CR 1/4
- Xorn elemental, CR 5
- Xvart monstrosity, CR 1/8
- Xvart Warlock of Raxivort monstrosity, CR 1
- Xvarts: Xvart | Xvart Warlock of Raxivort
- Yagnoloth fiend, CR 11
- Yeth Hound fey, CR 4
- Yeti monstrosity, CR 3
- Yetis: Yeti | Abominable Yeti
- Young Kruthik monstrosity, CR 1/8
- Young Lava Worm monstrosity, CR 5
- Young Remorhaz monstrosity, CR 5
- Yuan-ti: Yuan-ti Abomination | Yuan-ti Malison | Yuan-ti Pureblood | Yuan-ti Anathema | Yuan-ti Broodguard | Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer | Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker | Yuan-ti Pit Master
- Yuan-ti Abomination monstrosity, CR 7
- Yuan-ti Anathema monstrosity, CR 12
- Yuan-ti Broodguard humanoid, CR 2
- Yuan-ti Malison monstrosity, CR 3
- Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer monstrosity, CR 4
- Yuan-ti Nightmare Speaker monstrosity, CR 4
- Yuan-ti Pit Master monstrosity, CR 5
- Yuan-ti Pureblood humanoid, CR 1
- Yugoloths: Arcanaloth | Canoloth | Dhergoloth | Hydroloth | Merrenoloth | Mezzoloth | Nycaloth | Oinoloth | Ultroloth | Yagnoloth
- Zaratan Elemental, CR 22
- Zombie undead, CR 1/4
- Zombie Knight undead, CR 3
- Zombies: Zombie | Psychic Zombie | Zombie Knight