Skeletal creatures are created through spells such as animate dead. Such a creature has no memory of its former life or self, and functions identically to any other skeleton, though it may retain some of its abilities or features.
Transformation. When a creature becomes a skeletal creature, it retains its statistics, except as described below. The creature loses any trait, such as Amphibious, that assumes a living physiology. The creature retains none of its lair actions or legendary actions.
Type. The creature's type changes from creature to undead, and it no longer requires air, food, drink, or sleep.
Speed. The creature loses any flying or swimming speed.
Armor Class. Modify the creature's Armor Class by applying a -4 penalty. Much of the creature's protective armor has rotten or sloughed away.
Damage Vulnerabilities. The creature gains vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.
Damage Immunities. The creature gains immunity to poison damage. It also retains all immunities that it had in life.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity to the poisoned condition, and retains any immunities it had in life. It also doesn't suffer from exhaustion.
Special Abilities. The creature loses all supernatural and spell-like abilities that it possessed in life.
Skills. The creature loses all skill proficiencies.
Creature Feats. The creature loses all feats that it had taken in life.