Template: Demizen
A powerful undead creature that feeds off its own gaining their power.
Any undead
Abilities. The demizen's Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence and Wisdom scores increase by 2. The demizen's Charisma score increases by 4.
Hit Dice. The demizen's hit dice increase by 4.
AC. As base creature, accounting for their modified Dexterity score.
HP. As base creature, accounting for their modified Constitution score and Hit Dice.
Senses. The demizen gains darkvision out to a range of 60 feet, unless the base creature had superior darkvision.
Damage Immunities. The demizen is immune to poison and necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities. The demizen is immune to the poisoned condition.
Multiattack. If the base creature does not have multiattack, the demizen may make two weapon attacks. If the base creature has multiattack, the demizen may make an additional weapon attack.
Replicate. As an action, the base creature can take on 1 trait or 1 action from an undead creature with 0 hit points within 5 feet of it. The demizen can have a maximum of Charisma modifier traits and Charisma modifier actions replicated in this way. All DCs gained from traits or actions are Charisma based. Innate Spellcasting and Spellcasting can not be replicated.
CR Calculation
Recalculate the creature's CR with the following considerations:
- Increased hit points (from improved hit dice and improved ability scores).
- Increase effective AC by 1 (from improved ability scores).
- Increase effective damage per-round damage by the amount listed in the trait (from Multiattack).
- Any traits or actions gained from the Replicate action.