
The Fallen are an improved form of undead zombie, retaining some of their skills in life.

Jump to: Fallen Priest | Fallen Shadow | Fallen of Solemnity | Fallen of Spell | Fallen Knight | Fallen of Might | Death Knight

Undead Nature. All of the Fallen don't require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Fallen Priest

Of all the Fallen, the Fallen Priests are often the most frightening, for they have somehow retained a connection to a divine being despite their unholy state.

Fallen Priest

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (breastplate (14), shield (+2))
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 18 (+4) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Skills
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Fallen Priest to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the priest drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. A Fallen Priest is able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the priest is able to make a successful Claw attack, or if it hits with a ranged spell attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Intelligence (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Intelligence damage. The priest then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Alternatively, it can restore 1 level of spell slot per point of Intelligence damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Intelligence falls unconscious.


Multiattack. The Fallen Priest can either attack once with its dagger, or it can make 2 Claw attacks. It can use its Spellcasting action in place of one of its Claw actions.

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Spellcasting. A Fallen Priest is imbued with divine energy, and as such is capable of casting spells. It is a 5th-level caster, its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its expended spell slots at midnight each night. It knows the following wizard spells:

Fallen Shadow

A Fallen Shadow is a rogue transformed into a state of undeath, retaining some or all of their skills and abilities.

Fallen Shadow

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (DEX)
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 11 (0) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Skills
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Fallen to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Fallen drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. The Fallen Shadows are able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the Fallen is able to make a successful Claw attack, or if it hits with a ranged spell attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Charisma (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Charisma damage. The Fallen then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Any creature reduced to 0 Intelligence falls unconscious.

TODO: Rogue abilities


Multiattack. The Fallen in Shadow can either attack once with its shortsword and once with its Claw attack, or it can make 2 Claw attacks.

Short Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Fallen Knight

Fallen Knights are those paladins who died and were brought back by arcane arts. They retain some of their divine abilities alongside their martial ones.

Fallen Knight

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (plate armor (16), shield (+2))
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Skills
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Fallen to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Fallen drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. The Fallen Knights are able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the knight is able to make a successful Claw attack, or if it hits with a ranged spell attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Dexterity (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Dexterity damage. The Fallen then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Alternatively, it can restore 1 level of spell slot per point of Dexterity damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Dexterity falls unconscious.

TODO: Paladin abilities


Multiattack. The Fallen Knight can either attack once with its bastard sword and once with its Claw attack, or it can make 2 Claw attacks.

Bastard Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Fallen of Solemnity

When a necromancer is able to transform a monk into a Fallen, reatining some or all of its abilities from life, it is called a Fallen of Solemnity.

Fallen of Solemnity

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (Unarmored Defense (DEX + WIS))
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

10 (0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Skills
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Fallen to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Fallen drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. The Fallens of Solemnity are able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the Fallen is able to make a successful Claw attack, or if it hits with a ranged spell attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Strength (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Strength damage. The Fallen then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Alternatively, it can restore 1 ki point per point of Strength damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Strength falls unconscious.

TODO: Monkish abilities


Multiattack. The Fallen in Solemnity can either attack twice with its Claw attacks.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Fallen of Spell

Fallens of Spell are wizards, sorcerers, or warlocks that have been turned to undeath with some or all of their arcane abilities preserved (or, in some cases, enhanced).

Fallen of Spell

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (mage armor (13), DEX (+2))
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 11 (0) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Skills
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the Fallen to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Fallen drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. The Fallens of Spell are able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the Fallen is able to make a successful Claw attack, or if it hits with a ranged spell attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Constitution (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Constitution damage. The Fallen then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Alternatively, it can restore 1 level of spell slot per point of Constitution damage. Any creature reduced to 0 Constitution falls unconscious.


Multiattack. The Fallen in Steel can either attack once with a spell or make 2 Claw attacks.

Innate Spellcasting The Fallens of Spell are imbued with arcane energy, and as such are capable of casting spells. It is a 5th-level caster, its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It regains its expended spell slots at midnight each night. It knows the following wizard spells:

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Fallen of Might

Fallen of Mights are fallen martial champions, often retaining the weapons and armor they used in life.

Fallen of Might

medium undead (humanoid), shares master's alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (breastplate (14), shield (+2)); varies with equipment
  • Hit Points 45 (4d12 + 12)
  • Speed 20 ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (0) 7 (-2)

  • Proficiency Bonus +2
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances necrotic
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, paralyzed, poisoned
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8
  • Skills
  • Languages understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak
  • Challenge 3

Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the champion to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the Fallen drops to 1 hit point instead.

Siphon Soul. A Fallen of Might is able to siphon the souls of others and use them as energy sources. If the champion is able to make a successful Claw attack, it can attempt to siphon the soul of its target. The target must make a Wisdom (DC 15) save, or suffer 1d3 temporary Wisdom damage. The champion then gains six times the suffered damage in temporary hit points, possibly exceeding its hit point maximum. Any creature reduced to 0 Wisdom falls unconscious.

Second Wind (1/Day). A Fallen of Might can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 + 4 hit points.

Action Surge (1/Day). A Fallen of Might can push itself beyond normal limits for a moment. On its turn, it can take one additional action on top of its regular action and a possible bonus action.

Fighting Styles. Some Fallen of Might retain the feats or fighting styles they knew in life.


Multiattack. The Fallen of Might can either attack once with its bastard sword and once with its Claw attack, or it can make 2 Claw attacks.

Bastard Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 4) slashing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Death Knight

The truest and deadliest form of the this line of undead, a death knight is a skeletal warrior clad in fearsome plate armor. Beneath its helmet, one can see the knight's skull with malevolent pinpoints of light burning in its eye sockets. When a paladin that falls from grace dies without seeking atonement, dark powers can transform the once-mortal knight into this hateful undead creature. Rumors that certain pale masters have learned how to make the transformation on recently-deceased paladins, however, fuel nightmares in divine barracks all over Azgaarnoth.

Eldritch Power. The death knight retains the ability to cast divine spells. However, no death knight can use its magic to heal. A death knight also attracts and commands lesser undead, although death knights that serve powerful fiends might have fiendish followers instead. Death knights often use warhorse skeletons and nightmares as mounts.

Immortal Until Redeemed. A death knight can arise anew even after it has been destroyed. Only when it atones for a life of wickedness or finds redemption can it finally escape its undead purgatory and truly perish.

Undead Nature. A death knight doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.

Death Knight

Medium undead, chaotic evil

  • Armor Class 20 (plate, shield)
  • Hit Points 180 (19d8 + 95)
  • Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

  • Proficiency Bonus +6
  • Saving Throws Dex +6,Wis +9,Cha +10
  • Damage Vulnerabilities
  • Damage Resistances
  • Damage Immunities necrotic,poison
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion,frightened,poisoned
  • Skills
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft.,passive Perception 13
  • Languages Abyssal,Common
  • Challenge 17

Magic Resistance. The death knight has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Marshal Undead. Unless the death knight is incapacitated, it and undead creatures of its choice within 60 feet of it have advantage on saving throws against features that turn undead.


Multiattack. The death knight makes three longsword attacks.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or 10 (1d10 + 5) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.

Hellfire Orb (1/Day). The death knight hurls a magical ball of fire that explodes at a point it can see within 120 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. The sphere spreads around corners. A creature takes 35 (10d6) fire damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Parry. The death knight adds 6 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the death knight must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Spellcasting. The death knight is a 19th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following paladin spells prepared:

  • 1st level (4 slots): command, compelled duel, searing smite
  • 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, magic weapon
  • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, elemental weapon
  • 4th level (3 slots): banishment, staggering smite
  • 5th level (2 slots): destructive wave (necrotic)