Draconic Feats

Some dragons, whether through pacts, training, or bloodline, are stronger than others. These extra strengths and abilities are represented by Dragon Feats. Dragons can have a multitude of additional traits, actions, or legendary actions; the feat list given below is universal and can be given to a dragon of any color. Additional feats specific to the dragon's color are given in lists hereafter.

A dragon can choose a number of Dragon Feats up to the numeric equiavalent of its age category, to a maximum of 12. So a Wyrmling can choose only 1 Dragon Feat, while a Great Wyrm can choose up to 12 Dragon Feats. Actions, Reactions, and Legendary Actions included with traits do not count against this number.

These abilities add personality and flavor to each dragon to make each encounter unique. Feel free to mix and match, but remember to adjust the Challenge Rating accordingly. If creating a lower level dragon, modify damage dice accordingly.

These feats are also meant to add difficulty to a dragon encounter, especially by countering the abilities and feats of Player Characters; remember that it isn't very fun as a player to have all of your abilities compromised by an ability that the monster has. Some dragons may choose particularly deadly combinations, such as Tough combined with Hard Scales and Mundane Weapon Resistance; Rend paired with Sweeping Claws; or Mobile with Swift and Strafing.

In order to take one of these feats, a creature must be a true dragon.

If a feat has prerequisites, the dragon must fulfill all of those prerequisites before it can take that feat. Each feat can be taken only once, unless the feat's description states otherwise.

These feats can be taken by a dragon of any type. Each dragon sub-type lists additional feats that are unique to that type of dragon.


The dragon is particularly aware of its surrounding. It gains the following benefits:

  • The dragon gains a +5 bonus to initiative rolls.
  • The dragon cannot be surprised while it is conscious.
  • Creatures do not gain advantage on attack rolls by being hidden from the dragon.

Arcane Immunity

The dragon is immune to magic sleep effects, and to the paralyzed and petrified conditions.

Armor Training

Prerequisites: Str 14 (light), Str 17 (medium), Str 20 (heavy)

The dragon gains proficiency with light armor. If it already has proficiency with light armor, it gains proficiency with medium armor. If it already has proficiency with medium armor, it gains proficiency with heavy armor. This feat can be taken up to three times.

Aura of Despair

Prerequisite: Terrifying Presence.

The dragon exudes such a terrifying aura that creatures near it lose their will to fight in battle. Each creature that fails its saving throw against the dragon's Frightful Presence takes a -2 penalty to all attack rolls and saving throws for 1 minute, or until it succeeds the save.


Prerequisite: Strength 18.

The dragon deals an extra die of damage whenever it hits with a melee weapon attack.

Change Shape

Prerequisite: must not already have the Change Shape action option.

The dragon shapeshifts according to the Change Shape ability possessed by metallic dragons. Chromatic dragons rarely have this ability mastered in the way that metallic dragons do, and so only have one or two alternate forms. For example, a blue dragon may possess the ability to shapeshift into a storm giant. They rarely take the form of humanoids (especially reds) because they see themselves as the pinnacle of perfection. However, a green or purple dragon may find practical use for a humanoid form.


If the dragon takes the Dash action on its turn, it can make a melee attack as a bonus action on the same turn. If the dragon travels at least 10 feet toward the target before making the attack, and the attack hits, it can choose to either gain a +5 to the attack's damage roll, or knock the target prone and push it 5 feet in any direction it chooses.


Prerequisite: must be Ancient or older; must be Gargantuan or Colossal.

The dragon's size is Colossal, and its space is a 25 to 30 foot square. It has advantage on Strength checks against Huge or smaller creatures. Medium or smaller creatures can enter the dragon's space and vice versa, and the dragon gains the Stomp reaction, the modified Bite action, and the Swallow action. The dragon can make a Swallow attack instead of a Bite attack as part of its Multiattack.

Bite. (Range, damage, and targets equal to original values.) If the target is a creature, the dragon can choose to grapple it (escape DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Strength modifier). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the dragon can't bite another target.

Stomp. The dragon can make a claw attack against a creature that ends its turn in the dragon's space.

Swallow. The dragon makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is blinded and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the dragon, and it takes 28 (8d6) acid damage, and 28 (8d6) damage (of the same type as the dragon's Breath Weapon) at the start of each of the dragon's turns.

If the dragon takes 40 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the dragon must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone in a space within 10 feet of the dragon. If the dragon dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 30 feet of movement, exiting prone.


Prerequisite: size Large or larger.

The dragon gains the Crush action option:

Crush. The dragon throws itself at an enemy creature and lands centered on that creature's space. All creatures within the dragon's new space must make a Dexterity saving throw (save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Strength modifier). The target makes the saving throw with disadvantage. On a successful save, a creature is pushed safely to the nearest unoccupied space. On a failed save, the creature takes 6 (1d12) plus 6 (1d12) bludgeoning damage for every size category the dragon is above Medium (plus Strength modifier), and the creature is restrained by the dragon, and both are considered prone. If the dragon starts its turn on top of a creature restrained in this way, the creature takes the same damage. At the end of its turns, any restrained creature can attempt to escape as if trying to escape a grapple. The restrained condition ends when the dragon ends the prone condition.

Damage Absorption

Prerequisite: must be Ancient or older.

Whenever the dragon would take damage of the same type as its breath weapon, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt.

Dive Attack

Prerequisite: size Large or larger.

If the dragon is flying and dives at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a melee weapon attack, the attack deals an extra 4 (1d8) damage to the target, for every size the dragon is above Medium. If the dragon is Huge or larger, the target must also succeed on a Strength saving throw (save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Strength modifier) or be knocked prone.

Empowered Bite

Prerequisite: must be a metallic dragon.

The dragon's bite attacks also deal extra damage of the same type as the dragon's breath weapon. The damage varies by the dragon's age, as given in the table.

Elemental Bite Damage

Dragon's Age Damage
Wyrmling 1d6
Very Young 1d6
Young 1d8
Juvenile 1d10
Young Adult 1d10
Adult 1d12
Mature Adult 2d6
Old 2d8
Elder 2d10
Ancient 4d6
Wyrm 5d6
Great Wyrm 4d8


Prerequisite: Tough.

The first time the dragon is reduced to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead, unless the damage was from a critical hit. Once the dragon uses this feat, it can't do so again until it finishes a long rest.

Epic Intellect

The dragon gains proficiency in Intelligence saving throws.

Epic Reflexes

Prerequisite: proficiency in Dexterity saving throws.

The dragon doubles its proficiency bonus on Dexterity saving throws.

Epic Strength

The dragon gains proficiency in Strength saving throws.

Epic Will

Prerequisite: proficiency in Wisdom saving throws.

The dragon doubles its proficiency bonus on Wisdom saving throws.


Prerequisite: Mobile.

The dragon doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

Furious Onslaught

Prerequisite: must have Multiattack.

The dragon gains a new action option:

Furious Onslaught. The dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes a claw attack against every creature in its reach. It can also make one bite attack.

Hard Scales

Prerequisite: Constitution 18.

Bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage that the dragon takes from nonmagical weapons is reduced by 2. This cannot reduce the damage below 1.


The dragon can fly, remaining stationary in the air, without expending movement. Additionally, if the dragon is subjected to an effect that would reduce its flying speed to 0, the dragon does not fall and instead hovers in the air. If the dragon is subjected to an effect that would otherwise cause it to fall, the dragon falls at a rate of 60 feet per round and lands on its feet without taking damage from falling.

Improved Spellcasting

Prerequisite: Innate Spellcasting, Intelligence 15.

The highest level spell that the dragon can cast increases by one level.

Indomitable Will

Prerequisite: Epic Will (green dragons ignore this requirement).

The dragon is immune to being charmed or dominated.

Infernal Blood

Prerequisite: must be a dragon of evil alignment, and had extensive experience with devils.

The dragon has been touched by the hand of devils in some way, perhaps by being exposed to their magic for long periods of time, by being trapped within the Nine Hells, or even by forging a pact with an archdevil. As a result, the dragon gains resistance to fire, cold, and poison damage, and has advantage on saving throws to resist becoming poisoned.

Innate Spellcasting

Prerequisite: Charisma 12.

The dragon's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Charisma modifier; spell attack bonus = the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Charisma modifier). It can innately cast spells, requiring no material components.

Pick a number of spells equal to the dragon's Charisma modifier. Follow the table below to determine how often the spells can be cast. At Will spells can be cantrips, 1st level, or 2nd level spells. 3/Day spells should be at least 1st or 2nd level, and have a maximum level equal to the dragon's Challenge Rating divided by 4 (rounded up). 1/Day spells should be the strongest spells in the dragon's arsenal. The highest level spell a dragon can cast is equal to its Challenge Rating divided by 3 (rounded up).

Dragon Innate Casting Charisma Modifier|At Will Spells|3/Day Spells|1/Day Spells -----------------|--------------|------------|------------ +1 | 1 | 0 | 0 +2 | 1 | 1 | 0 +3 | 2 | 1 | 0 +4 | 2 | 1 | 1 +5 | 2 | 2 | 1 +6 | 3 | 2 | 1 +7 | 3 | 2 | 2 +8 | 3 | 3 | 2 +9 | 4 | 3 | 2

Preferred spells vary according to dragon type.

General spells are provided here: absorb elements, comprehend languages, detect magic, detect thoughts, dispel magic, elemental bane, elemental weapon, enhance ability, freedom of movement, locate creature, locate object, nondetection, protection from energy, scrying, see invisibility, true seeing

Preferred spells by dragon type are given here:

If the dragon has legendary actions, it also gains the following Legendary Action:

Innate Casting (Costs 3 Actions). The dragon casts a spell.

The older the dragon, the more likely they have spells that are outside the "core" spell list. Dragons have no need of spellbooks, but can teach their chosen spells to any class that has the spell on its expanded spell list.

Large and In Charge

Prerequisite: size Large or larger.

The dragon can make opportunity attacks against creatures that enter its reach.

Limited Magic Immunity

Prerequisite: Spell Resistance; must be Mature Adult or older.

The dragon is immune to 1st level spells and cantrips, unless it wishes to be affected. A dragon can take this feat multiple times, increasing its spell resistance by 1 level every time it takes the feat, to a maximum of 5th level spells.

Magic Resistance

Prerequisite: Arcane Immunity, Intelligence 15.

The dragon has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.

Magic Weaponry

Prerequisite: Arcane Immunity.

The dragon's weapon attacks are considered magical weapons for the purpose of overcoming resistances.

Maximize Breath

Prerequisite: Charisma 18.

When the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, it can choose to expend all of its movement and Legendary Actions (if it has them) for that round. If it does, its Breath Weapon deals maximum damage. If the dragon uses its Breath Weapon in this way, it recharges on a 6 rather than on a 5-6.


The dragon can take the Dash action as a bonus action.

Mundane Weapon Immunity

Prerequisites: Mundane Weapon Resistance, must be Ancient or older.

The dragon gains immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Mundane Weapon Resistance

Prerequisites: Arcane Immunity, must be Juvenile or older.

The dragon gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Recover Breath

Prerequisite: Charisma 18.

The dragon's Breath Weapon recovers on a 4-6 rather than a 5-6. If used jointly with Maximize Breath, it recharges on a 5-6 rather than on a 6.

Reflective Scales

Prerequisite: Limited Magic Immunity.

If the dragon is targeted by a ranged spell attack to which it is immune, (including magic missile), roll a d6. On a 1-5, nothing happens, and the dragon is unaffected. On a 6, the spell is reflected, treating the caster as the target and the dragon as the caster as if the spell had originated from the dragon.


Prerequisite: Strength 20 (White dragons ignore this requirement).

If the dragon hits a creature with two claw attacks in the same turn, the second claw attack deals double damage.


Prerequisite: must be Huge or larger.

The dragon gains the Roar action option:

Roar (Rechage 5-6). The dragon unleashes a powerful roar. Each creature within 100 feet of the dragon that can hear it must make a Constitution saving throw (save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Charisma modifier) or take 11 (3d6) thunder damage and be stunned until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't stunned.

Sacred Warder

Prerequisites: any good alignment, Arcane Immunity, Wisdom 14, and has to have extensive experience worshipping Bahamut.

The dragon is an avid zealot of Bahamut, and so has been gifted with the ability to protect itself from harm. The dragon gains the following action option:

Holy Shield (1/Day). As an action, the dragon can create a holy shield around itself that covers its body and anything it is wearing. The shield has a number of hit points equal to 10 times the dragon's age category, and shares all of the dragon's resistances and immunities. Any time that the dragon takes damage, the shield takes that damage instead. If the shield is reduced to 0 hit points, any remaining damage is transferred to the dragon. The shield lasts for 10 minutes or until it is reduced to 0 hit points.

Sacred Warder of Bahamut

Prerequisites: Sacred Warder, Wisdom 15.

Because of the dragon's faithfulness to Bahamut, it can extend its holy shield to protect other creatures. When the dragon uses its Holy Shield ability, instead of protecting itself, it can choose a point on the ground or a willing creature (including itself). The shield guards an area with a 30-foot radius that moves with the designated creature. The shield blocks all incoming attacks, though it does not block attacks from inside the shield, and no creatures can enter the shield unless the dragon wills it. The shield otherwise has the same statistics as with the Sacred Warder dragon feat.


Prerequisite: must have Frightful Presence.

The dragon has advantage on Intimidation checks, and it gains a +2 bonus to the save DC of its Frightful Presence.

Siege Monster

Prerequisites: size Huge or larger, Strength 25.

The dragon deals double damage to objects and buildings.

Shape Breath

Prerequisite: Charisma 15.

If the dragon's breath weapon is cone-shaped, it can instead change the shape to a line that is 5 feet wide and double its range. If the dragon's breath weapon is line-shaped, it can instead change the shape to a cone and halve its range.


Prerequisite: size Large or larger.

The dragon gains the Shockwave action option:

Shockwave. The dragon slams its tail down on a solid surface to create a circular shockwave with a radius equal to 15 times the number of size categories the dragon is above Medium. All creatures in that area, aside from the dragon, must succeed on a Strength saving throw against the dragon's Strength Check. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone; if the creature is concentrating, it also loses concentration.

If the dragon has legendary actions, it also gains the following Legendary Action:

Shockwave (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon makes a Shockwave attack.

Silent Walk

The dragon can walk silently if it moves no more than half of its speed on its turn. If it does so, it has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks until the start of its next turn.


When the dragon hits with a claw or bite attack, instead of dealing damage, it can choose to grapple the target, as long as it is a creature that is two or more sizes smaller than the dragon. Handle the grapple as any other. The dragon can grapple a total of 3 creatures simultaneously; one in each front claw, and one in its jaws.

Spell Resistance

Prerequisite: Magic Resistance.

The dragon gains resistance to all damage from spells.


The dragon gains double its proficiency bonus on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.


If the dragon is flying when it uses its breath weapon, it can add the area directly underneath its travel (since the start of its turn) to the area of the breath weapon.

Sweeping Claws

When the dragon hits with a claw attack, it can choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target and within its reach. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature, that creature takes the same damage as the original target.


Each of the dragon's speeds increases by 25%.

Tail Sweep

Prerequisite: must have a Tail Attack.

The dragon gains the Tail Sweep action option:

Tail Sweep. The dragon swings its tail in a cone (range of Tail attack), targeting all creatures in the cone. The dragon makes a single attack roll, and uses that roll for all creatures in the area (attack modifier and damage are equal to Tail attack). If a creature is hit and is at least one size category smaller than the dragon, it must succeed on a Strength or Dexterity saving throw (creature's choice, save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Strength modifier) or be pushed 15 feet away from the dragon and knocked prone, in addition to taking damage.

If the dragon has legendary actions, it also gains the following Legendary Action:

Tail Sweep (Costs 2 Actions). The dragon makes a tail sweep attack.

Tempest Breath

Prerequisites: size Large or larger.

The dragon can channel the force of a windstorm into its breath. Whenever the dragon uses its Breath Weapon, each creature that fails the saving throw is also knocked prone, in addition to any other effects. The creature is also pushed away from the dragon, and the distance pushed is determined by the dragon's size. If the creature moves 10 feet or more before hitting a wall or other obstacle, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it traveled.

Tempest Breath Push Distance Dragon Size|Push Distance -----------|------------- Large|5 feet Huge|10 feet Gargantuan|15 feet Colossal|20 feet

Terrifying Presence

Prerequisite: must have Frightful Presence.

When the dragon uses its Frightful Presence ability, creatures with immunity to being frightened have advantage instead, and creatures normally with advantage (or resistance) do not have advantage. Otherwise a creature has disadvantage on the initial saving throw.


The dragon gains a number of hitpoints equal to 2 times its number of hit dice. Whenever the dragon gains hit dice (as a result of taking class levels or of aging), its hit point maximum increases by 2 for every hit die it gained.


Prerequisite: Arcane Immunity.

If the dragon is subjected to an effect that would inflict the restrained or stunned condition, it instead loses its next use (one action) of its legendary actions and its speed is reduced by half for the duration of the spell or effect. The loss of legendary actions is cumulative, but the loss of speed is not.


Prerequisites: Hover, size Large or larger.

The dragon can use its action to hover in place and beat its wings to stir up storm-strength winds in a cylinder with a height and width equal to 10 feet times the numeric equivalent of the dragon's age category. The dragon is in the center of this cylinder. For as long as the dragon maintains the wingstorm, the following effects occur:

  • Any creature (aside from the dragon) that starts its turn in the cylinder or enters that area for the first time on its turn must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (Save DC = 8 + the dragon's proficiency bonus + the dragon's Strength modifier) or be knocked prone and pushed away from the dragon. The distance pushed is determined by the dragon's size, as given in the table. If the creature moves 10 feet or more before hitting a wall or other obstacle, it takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet traveled.
  • A creature that attempts to move closer to the dragon through the cylinder must succeed on a Strength check against the same DC as above or be unable to move closer to the dragon on that turn. On a success, the creature's movement speed is halved if it moves toward the dragon.
  • Ranged attacks made within or aimed into the cylinder are rolled with disadvantage. If the dragon is Gargantuan or larger, ranged weapon attacks made within or aimed into the cylinder automatically miss, but ranged spell attacks are still rolled with disadvantage.

If the dragon expends movement, or if it uses its action to do anything other than maintain the wingstorm, or if it is knocked prone or incapacitated, then the wingstorm and all of its effects immediately end. It can otherwise take Legendary Actions as normal.

Wingstorm Push Distance Dragon Size|Push Distance -----------|------------- Large|0 feet Huge|5 feet Gargantuan|10 feet Colossal|15 feet